Monitoring of innovation activity of innovation actors (innovation and technology strategies of enterprises)
Head: Gokhberg, Leonid, Kuznetsova, Tatiana
Department: Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge
The project has been carried out as part of the HSE Program of Fundamental Studies.
Research object: Key focus of this regular monitoring project is the production of the empirical evidence on the innovation activities (strategies, patterns of behavior) of the actors of innovation process as well as further analysis of the key trends, forms and factors of the national innovation system performance heavily based on the organization-level data. It encompasses two specialized surveys: innovation activities of the enterprises and the research organizations.
Research objective: The central objective for the project in 2016 was implementation of the 5thround of the survey of the innovation activities of the enterprises in the real sector of the economy. The upgraded methodology aimed at covering the activities of research organizations involved in the transfer of scientific and technological results to the real sector of the economy. The secondary objectives included the systematization of the evidence accumulated at the previous waves of the research project.
Empirical base of the research:
The study of innovation activities performed by enterprises in manufacturing and services sectors was carried out within the framework of the European Manufacturing Survey Project run by the Consortium of 18 countries (headed by ISI Frauhhofer, Karlsrue, Germany). Methodological, analytical and reference inputs were integrated into the design of the 4th survey round in order to maintain certain level of international compatibility and also to pursue the topics in line with the long term programme of the studies of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) performed by ISSEK HSE. Another source of methodological as well as empirical support were the outputs of the official statistical survey “4-Innovation” that is carried out by Rosstat on the annual mandatory basis since 1994.
The monitoring of innovation activities of R&D organizations is heavily based on the methodologies of the statistical surveys of the Russian R&D organizations (Federal statistical survey “2-science” and “2-science (NTK); methodological and analytical materials published in the framework of other Rosstat surveys and surveys implemented by foreign statistical services).
General basis for the methodological advancements is derived from the regular projects in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation performed within the ISSEK in the recent years.
Results of Research:
Regarding the study of innovation activities performed by enterprises in the real sector of the economy, the fifth-round of the survey was carried out. The upgraded methodology included the recent trends and recommendations provided by the OECD and EUROSTAT on innovation statistics as well as novel inputs from the European Manufacturing Survey project.
Special attention was devoted to the cooperative (including network) activities of economic agents in the course of creation, dissemination and application of knowledge (technology transfer), obstacles and conditions for effective cooperation between academia and industry; efficiency and relevance of the state policy instruments for fostering innovation and stimulating cooperation between various actors of the innovation systems.
Additionally, proposals were developed for improving the effectiveness of the statistical tools for monitoring surveys, setting up a process of data collection and systematization, analysis of innovation activities of research organizations and universities in dynamics, identification of the dynamic characteristics of key indicators.
The empirical evidence from the previous waves of data collection was systematized in the number of dedicated analyses that were published in the form of academic papers as well as shorter briefs/information bulletins.
Level of implementation, recommendations on implementation or outcomes of the implementation of Results:
The results were presented at notable international academic events (including XVIII April International Conference on Economic and Social Development, Moscow, Russia; 12th edition of the International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD-2017), Saint Petersburg, Russia). The research outcomes were published in a number of papers in the peer-review academic journals indexed in SCOPUS citation base.
In order to promote the visibility of the HSE academic performance, the results of the project were disseminated through a newly-established series of informational bulletins (press briefs) that were generally well accepted by the mass media and the expert community.
The empirical outcomes of the project were heavily used in the applied projects in the field of STI carried out for the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Science and Education, OECD and other organizations.
Thurner T., Roud V. Greening strategies in Russia's manufacturing – from compliance to opportunity // Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016. Vol. 112. No. 4. P. 2851-2860. doi
Kostopoulos K. C., Spanos Y., Soderquist K. E., Prastacos G., Vonortas N. Market-, Firm-, and Project-Level Effects on the Innovation Impact of Collaborative R&D Projects // Journal of the Knowledge Economy. 2016. P. 1-20. doi
The Global Innovation Index 2016. Winning with Global Innovation / Ed. by S. Dutta, B. Lanvin, S. Wunsch-Vincent. Geneva, Fontainebleau, Ithaca, NY : Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO, 2016.
Gokhberg L., Roud V. How to Design a National Innovation System in a Time of Global Innovation Networks: A Russian Perspective, in: The Global Innovation Index 2016. Winning with Global Innovation / Ed. by S. Dutta, B. Lanvin, S. Wunsch-Vincent. Geneva, Fontainebleau, Ithaca, NY : Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO, 2016. Ch. 13. P. 159-166.
innovation, innovation activity, innovative enterprises, research organisations, technology transfer
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