Drivers for Innovation in KIBS: Evidence from Russia
The article by N. Chichkanov, I. Miles and V. Belousova 'Drivers for Innovation in KIBS: Evidence from Russia' was accepted for publication in 'The Service Industries Journal' (UK) and will be included into the special issue 'The Silk Road and the Service Industries' dedicated to the development of service industries in the Silk Road countries.
The abstract of the study:
“Knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) significantly contribute to the economic growth and competitive advantage of emerging markets, including Silk Road countries. KIBS are not only intermediaries that transfer knowledge through the economy but are also innovators themselves. This paper aims to explore how major innovation drivers influence the implementation of innovation in KIBS. Using a sample of 519 KIBS enterprises from Russia, the results show that human capital increases the implementation of technological innovation, while the link between standardisation and technological innovations is non-linear (an inverted U-shaped). In addition, the multiregional branch network promotes the implementation of all types of innovation, while advertising investments enhance the implementation of technological and marketing ones. These results help to provide some practical suggestions for both innovation managers and policy-makers.”
The full text of the study can be found here.