Organizer: HSE Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector (CSCSNS)
The object of the monitoring the status of the civil society are the structures, processes and phenomena of civil society. It is a society free of self-organization, including an aggregate of social relations, norms, values and actions of individual or collective human nature in the area is not their private (private) and public (or social) life.
The purpose of the research is to assess the current status of the civil society in the developing and the implementing state policy in the areas of the maintenance and the development of its institutions, providing concerned parties current, complete, accurate and regularly updated information necessary for analyzing and forecasting the development of civil society in Russia.
The empirical base of the research. Studies based on the methodology developed and used effectively by the Centre for Civil Society Studies and the nonprofit sector of HSE to explore various aspects of the civil society in Russia. The empirical base of the results of an all-Russian population-based surveys, surveys of socio-professional groups, national surveys of NGOs held in 2011, as well as in the previous waves of monitoring the state of civil society.
Overall, the results of studies related to:
- The development of the scientific research by improving the methodology, developing new indicators and factors of the original collection tools of sociological data;
- The provision of the government, NGOs, media and other stakeholders up to date, complete, reliable and regularly updated information necessary to understand the status of the civil society in Russia;
- The contribution the formation of the state policy in the areas of maintenance and development of the civil society, support decision-making authority;
- The elaboration recommendations on the development of the civil society, addressed to various stakeholders;
- The provision of analytical materials to the Administration of the President, The Government of the Russian Federation, the working group "Development of public institutions" within the expert work on the socio-economic strategy for Russia until 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Public Chamber of Russian Federation and regional public chambers to annual reports on the status of the civil society as a whole in Russia, and in some regions of Russia;
- The application in teaching the knowledge base and analytical material obtained during the monitoring of the civil society.
Researchers Discuss How the Pandemic Is Changing Civic Activism
In October, HSE University held the 10th Conference of Civil Society Researchers, organized by the Centre for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector. The main topic of this anniversary forum was ‘The impact of the crisis on the development of the nonprofit sector and citizen self-organization in Russia: New realities and prospects’. The conference was co-organized by the Association "European University for Volunteering" (EUV) and the United Nations Volunteers Programme (UNV), a long-time partner of the centre.

The Pandemic Requires Breakthrough Solutions from Us
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On ‘Local Self-Government and Civic Self-Organization’
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