Neurolinguistics Schools
Since 2014, Center for Language and Brain has been organizing an annual summer school where renowned Russian and international researchers share their expertise in psycho- and neurolinguistics and participants can share their own work in a poster session.
In 2018, we also organised a Winter Neurolinguistics School.
In 2019, a Symposium (TALDS) was held for the first time, which aims to unite researchers of the language development of infants, children and adolescents using behavioral methods, eye tracking, neuroimaging and computational methods.
Previous summer schools:
Summer neurolinguistics school 2023
Summer neurolinguistics school 2022
Summer neurolinguistics school 2021
Summer neurolinguistics school 2020
Summer neurolinguistics school 2019
Summer neurolinguistics school 2017
Summer neurolinguistics school 2016
Summer neurolinguistics school 2015
Summer neurolinguistics school 2014
Previous winter schools:
Winter Neurolinguistics School 2020
Winter Neurolinguistics School 2019
Winter Neurolinguistics School 2018
Previous Simposiums:
Typical and Atypical Language Development Symposium 2019
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