Summer Neurolinguistics School took place at the Center for Language and Brain
The Sixth Annual Summer Neurolinguistics School took place at the Center for Language and Brain on July 1-3. This year, the topic of the School was Experimental Linguistics in Less-Studied Languages. The School addressed psycho- and neurolinguistic studies based on typological features of the world's languages and allowing to draw inferences about general and language-specific mechanisms of language processing. The invited lecturers were Diogo Almeida (New York University Abu Dhabi), Roelien Bastiaanse (University of Groningen / HSE), Kasper Boye (University of Copenhagen), Mariya Khudyakova (HSE), Maria Polinsky (University of Maryland / Harvard University), and Irina Sekerina (College of Staten Island – The City University of New York / HSE). The School also featured a poster session. The School gathered 96 attendees, both from HSE and from other Russian and international universities and research centers.