Our team at the conference “Neurobiology of Speech and Language”
A team of the members of the Center for Language and Brain attended the 3rd International Conference “Neurobiology of Speech and Language”.
A team of members of the Center for Language and Brain attended the 3rd International Conference “Neurobiology of Speech and Language”. The conference took place in Saint Petersburg, Russia (1-5 June). The scope of the meeting was very broad and covered neurobiology and psychology of speech and language, as well as animal communication, evolution of language, language acquisition and many other topics. Members of the Center also presented their own research. Svetlana Malyutina gave a short oral presentation “The effects of aging and visual noise on ‘good-enough’ sentence processing”, and some members presented their research at a poster session: Anna Artemova “Test performance in linguistic assessment of mono- and bilingual children from Moscow and Yamal manifest differently depending on culture and bilingualism”, Ekaterina Stupina “Predictors of postoperative language outcome in epileptic patients undergoing anterior temporal lobectomy”, Elena Savinova “Evidence for dual-route morphological processing across the lifespan: Data from Russian number-dominant nouns", Valeriya Zelenkova “Effects of three verb argument structure parameters on action naming and sentence production in aphasia”, Andrey Zyryanov “The role of major associative white matter pathways in language processing”.