Member of the Center for Language and Brain joined the «Lingvopodcast» for a talk
Center’s Research Assistant Tatiana Eremicheva appeared as a guest at the second season of the «Lingvopodcast».
During the first season of the «Lingvopodcast» the hosts discussed with their guests various topics: starting from the education tracks in the School of Linguistics and ending with the career and education prospects of linguists. There expected even more up-to-date topics in the second season, which will be hosted in the new video format.
In the pilot episode of the second season Tatiana Eremicheva, Research Assistant at the Center for Language and Brain, was invited by the podcast’s host Maria Bocharova. The speakers managed to discuss:
how psycholinguists assess and correct speech impairment
what the reading predictors are and how test batteries work
detail on the experiment conduction and data gathering in the Center for Language and Brain
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