Researchers of the HSE Center for Language and Brain took an active part in three conferences: “Minority languages in global linguistics” conference, the 31st "Lomonosov" conference and the 10th “Language issues: a young scholars’ perspective” conference
Members of the Center for Language and Brain presented their studies at three conferences
From 12 to 13 of April, Moscow hosted the “Minority languages in global linguistics” conference. The conference was organized by the Interdisciplinary Scientific School “Preservation of the world cultural and historical heritage” of the Moscow State University. The conference included reports on various aspects of minority language studies. In particular, a report on bilingualism was presented: Aigul Khanova with colleagues gave a talk “Language use in Adyge-Russian bilinguals based on the materials of the expedition in 2023”. Yulia Nikolaeva discussed the discourse structure reflection in gesturing in Bartangi language in comparison with Russian. Olga Tuzhik together with her co-authors addressed the problem of the differential object marking in the Iron dialect of the Ossetic language.
The 31st International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov" was held on 12-26 April 2024. Ilya Samoilov gave a talk “Auditory synchronization at the delta frequency band is altered in school-age children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and associated with language comprehension” in the section “Psychophysiology, neurosciences and artificial intelligence”. Ksenia Khlebnikova, under the supervision of Tatiana Bolgina, presented a report “The role of the right hemisphere for the language in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy”.
Aleksandra Korzhenevskaya presented two reports: “Processing of correlative clauses in Hindi: an experimental study” in the “Asian and African Studies” section and “Modality effects in word recognition in Adyge-Russian bilinguals based on Rey's test scores” in the “Problems of preserving cultural and linguistic diversity of the Russian Federation” section. Olga Tuzhik introduced the report “Differential object marking in Hemingway's ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ novella in the Iron dialect of the Ossetic language”. Ksenia Novoselova discussed the relationship between cognitive functions and foreign language learning difficulties based on Japanese in the section “Foreign languages and regional studies”.
The reports of Aleksandra and Olga were considered as one of the best in their sections. Ksenia Khlebnikova received a certificate in the “Relevant Research” nomination.
The 10th “Language issues: a young scholars’ perspective” conference was held by the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences on 24-26 April 2024. One of the organizers of the conference was Nina Zdorova. Reports on various topics were presented at this conference. Taisiya Lukyanova made the report on “Gestures in aphasia: qualitative analysis”. In addition, Aleksandra Korzhenevskaya and Vladislava Staroverova presented their study entitled “Children's perception of the Russian letters in the parafoveal area”. Finally, Olga Tuzhik gave a talk “Differential object marking in Ossetic translations of fiction: proto-role factor”.
Congratulations to all participants for their achievements at the conferences!
Nina Zdorova
Research Fellow
Корженевская Александра Юрьевна
Research Assistant
Taisiya Lukyanova
Research Assistant
Николаева Юлия Владимировна
Research Fellow
Ksenia Novoselova
Research Assistant
Ilya Samoylov
Research Assistant
Vladislava Staroverova
Junior Research Fellow
Olga Tuzhik
Research Assistant
Ханова Айгуль Филусовна
Research Fellow