‘It Was Great to Look at Scientific Achievements through the Eyes of a Journalist, not a Scientist’
HSE University in Nizhny recently hosted the 2nd Autumn Neuro-linguistic School ‘NeuroSciCom: Popularising Language and Brain Studies’ for scientists and students at the HSE Centre for Language and Brain Studies in Nizhny Novgorod. The school was held as part of the 'Human Brain Resilience: Neurocognitive Technologies for Adaptation, Learning, Development and Rehabilitation in a Changing Environment' Strategic Project of the Priority 2030 programme.

Members of the HSE Center for Language and Brain told about their work to pupils from the MGIMO lycee
Members of the Center for the second time conducted an informative tour for schoolchildren and told about scientific research methods!
Svetlana Dorofeeva, a member of the Center for Language and Brain, defended her PhD dissertation on November 16.
Congratulations to Svetlana on successfully defending her PhD dissertation!

On November 12, Yulia Akinina, a Junior Researcher at the Center for Language and Brain, defended her PhD thesis
Congratulations to Yulia on successfully defending her dissertation!
Lecture by Dr. Yulia Rodina “Gender change in the Norwegian dialects: Processing Effects Precede Loss in Production”
Dr. Yulia Rodina - postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, University of Oslo
Lecture by Joseph MacInnes “Diffusion models of reaction time data”
Joseph MacInnes - Assistant Professor at the School of Psychology, HSE
Lecture by Roeland Hancock "Neurochemistry of speech oscillations"
Roeland Hancock is from the University of California, San Francisco, USA
Nikita Zmanovsky told students of HSE Lyceum about the contemporary neurolinguistics
As part of “faculty days” pupils of the HSE lyceum take classes at one university department they like. In fact, those are not ordinary classes for HSE students but interactive lessons specially prepared for high-school children.
Victoria Zavyalova visited the scientific school on a method for fMRI studies
Victoria Zavyalova, the employee of the Neurolinguistics laboratory visited the scientific school on a method for fMRI studies of the human brain at rest, which was held in Berlin, September 2-4 (Resting state fMRI - basic concepts, methods and applications).
Anna Chrabaszcz gave a talk at the meeting of the European Second Language Association
25th annual conference of the European Second Language Association was devoted to the problem of language acquisition "Second Language Acquisition : Implications for language sciences"