Vardan Arutiunian at the ABC: Asia-Pacific Babylab Constellation Conference in Singapore
The member of the Center for Language and Brain Vardan Arutiunian at the ABC: Asia-Pacific Babylab Constellation Conference (2018) in Singapore
Language Testing During Awake Brain Surgery
On October 1st, 2018, the MOOC Language Testing During Awake Brain Surgery will begin. The online course was developed by Professor Dr. Roelien Bastiaanse.
Russia and Brazil doing science during the World Cup
Сenter for Language and Brain welcomes colleagues from Brazil - Prof. Dante Barone and medical students Bruno Alcantara Manica and Leticia Cavalaro Siqueira.
Speech Mapping during Awake-surgery
Scientists from the Center for language and brain, HSE carried out a speech mapping during the awake-surgery
Stupina Ekaterina at the neurosurgical course in Tyumen
Ekaterina Stupina gave a lecture “Language Testing & Awake Brain Surgery” in the “Federal Centre of Neurosurgery” of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in Tyumen.
The main trends of research and development prospects of the Center for Language and Brain
The HSE website published an article about the Center for Language and Brain, with comments from the Centre's Director Olga Dragoy and the heads of research areas.
Russian Center for Language and Brain at the University of Potsdam
A team of specialists from the Center for Language and Brain (HSE) took part in the International summer school for Infant Studies On Language Development in Europe, which was held from 11 to 15 June at the University of Potsdam (Germany).
Dr. Wim Tops (University of Groningen) gave the talk "From boosting early reading development to diagnosing adults with dyslexia"
Dr. Wim Tops (University of Groningen) gave the talk "From boosting early reading development to diagnosing adults with dyslexia" at the Center for Language and Brain HSE.
Summer Neurolinguistics School at HSE, Moscow, Center for Language and Brain
5th Summer Neurolinguistics School took part 21-23 May 2018, Moscow, Center for Language and Brain
The Center of language and brain at the Higher school of experiments
Family day at the Higher school of Economics in 2018 was held in the great hall of Russian Academy of Sciences, which at the time turned into a Higher school of experiments.