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Illustration for news: New publications of the winter 2021

New publications of the winter 2021

In winter 2021, members of the Center for Language and Brain have published several works

Olga Dragoy, a Chief Research Fellow and a Director of the Center for Language and Brain, defended her doctoral dissertation on December 21

Congratulations to Olga Viktorovna on successfully defending her doctoral dissertation!

Center for Language and Brain invites applications for postdoctoral research positions

Center for Language and Brain invites applications for postdoctoral research positions

Our lab member at the V International Luria Memorial Congress

Our lab member Nikita Zmanovsky at the V International Luria Memorial Congress

Psychological assessment in Lisbon

The conference ECPA-14t - is the 14th European Conference on Psychological Assessment​hat, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 5th till 8th June

The Neurolinguistics Lab team at the child speech conference in sunny Bilbao (Spain)

The workshop took place in Spain, Bilbao from 15th till 18th June 

The Neurolinguistics Lab reaches beyond the Polar Circle

The conference took place in the Heart of Finnish Lapland on April, 2-5

New clinical study with the Children's Academy of Speech

Center for Language and Brain launched a new collaboration project together with the speech therapy center Children's Academy of Speech, which provides intervention and treatment for children with language-learning difficulties or delays in cognitive and behavioural development.

Tatiana Bolgina at the Fifth conference-school "Problems of language: young researchers' perspective"

The conference is held at the Institute of Linguistics and covers a broad range of topics in the areas of linguistics, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistic research.

Seminar "Correction for multiple comparisons at the level of clusters in fMRI: what's the problem?"

The seminar was held by Ekarterina Pachenkova, PhD in Psychological sciences