HSE Researchers Identified the Age-Related Changes in Gamma-Band Oscillations in Auditory Cortex in Children
Researchers from the HSE Center for Language and Brain have identified previously unknown age-related changes in brain activity during the perception of auditory information in a group of children aged 7–12 years. The researchers used magnetoencephalography (MEG), an ultra-precise method of brain activity recording. The results obtained can be used to explore the impairments in language comprehension in children with autism. The study was published in the Human Brain Mapping.
The new paper of the Center for Language and Brain in The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science
Nina Zdorova published her new paper about reading development in Russian-speaking children in The Russian Journal of Cognitive Science (RJCS).
Senior researcher of the Center shared her expert opinion with the online magazine "Mel"
Svetlana Malyutina, a Senior Researcher at the Center, simply answered difficult questions to the online magazine "Mel".
HSE University Center for Language and Brain Becomes World Leader in Just 10 Years
How can a small Russian research group become a world-famous scientific centre in less than a decade? A special edition of the Frontiers in Psychologyjournal devoted to increasing public awareness of neuroscience features an article about the HSE University Center for Language and Brain, including the successes and challenges of its early years.
The new paper of the Center for Language and Brain in Research in Developmental Disabilities
Vardan Arutiunian and colleagues have published a paper in Research in Developmental Disabilities "Expressive and Receptive Language in Russian Primary-School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder".
New paper of the members of the HSE Center for Language and Brain has been published in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders has published a new article by Vardan Harutyunyan on the speech skills of children with autism spectrum disorders.
New publications of the winter 2021
In winter 2021, members of the Center for Language and Brain have published several works
New year – fresh papers!
The new 2017 starts happily with the addition of six fresh-from-press research papers added to the Lab's repository!