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The main purpose of the psycholinguistic group of our Center is to study how the mechanism that allows us to understand and generate language works. Not at the physical level - where and what is located in the brain - but rather at the level of the structure and interaction of the processes that are involved in the generation and understanding of speech. Of course, this big task is divided into many subtasks - in particular, we investigate how closely the working memory or eye movements are connected with the understanding of language; how superficially or deeply people analyze what they read and hear; how much people are able to predict how the text will continue.

Several of our major projects are described in detail below.

Current projects

Reading mechanisms in Russian
Eye-movements in Reading in Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Russian Sign Language Speakers of Different Age

Applied research

Normatives of verbal and visual stimuli for the experimental research and clinical practice

Completed projects

Spatial relations in language
Lexical amiguity resolution


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