Normative data for verbal and visual stimuli for experimental research and clinical practice
It is crucial to know normative values of psycholinguistics variables to conduct reliable experiments and develop adequate clinical protocols for diagnostics and therapy. But in Russian, apart from frequency corpora, reliable and open-access databases of these variables were absent.
We have created the database of verbal and visual stimuli, which researchers can use in experimental design or implement to the clinical practice.
The database includes 1071 images of objects and actions, each one paired with a matching noun or verb. After a large-scale normative study, we defined values of various psycholinguistics variables, such as name agreement, age of acquisition, subjective visual complexity, etc. We also collected and estimated naming times for each picture. In collaboration with Kazan Federal University, we’ve conducted an equivalent study in Tatar. It became the first step to the development of the multilingual database of verbal and visual stimuli, similar to foreign counterparts.
You can find the database on the website “Stimuli database: Verbs and Nouns”. Both databases - “Verb and action” and “Noun and object” are available on the website as the Excel spreadsheets of psycholinguistic values and the full sets of .jpg images.
Akinina, Y., Malyutina, S., Ivanova, M., Iskra, E., Mannova, E., & Dragoy, O. (2015). Russian normative data for 375 action pictures and verbs. Behavior Research Methods, 47(3), 691–707. doi:10.3758/s13428-014-0492-9;
Акинина Ю.С., Искра Е.В., Иванова М.В., Грабовская М.А., Исаев Д.Ю., Коркина И.Д., Малютина С.А., Сергеева Н.Ю. Библиотека стимулов «Существительное и объект»: нормирование психолингвистических параметров. // В кн.: Шестая международная конференция по когнитивной науке: Тезисы докладов. Калининград, 23–27 июня 2014 г. / Под общ. ред.: Б. Величковский, В. Рубцов, Д. Ушаков. Вып. 6. Калининград : [б.и.], 2014. C. 112-114. — для базы «Существительное и объект».
Акинина Ю. С., Грабовская М. А., Вечкаева А., Игнатьев Г. А., Исаев Д. Ю., Ханова А. Ф. Библиотека психолингвистических стимулов: новые данные для русского и татарского языка // В кн.: Седьмая международная конференция по когнитивной науке: Тезисы докладов. Светлогорск, 20–24 июня 2016 г. М. : Институт психологии РАН, 2016. С. 93-95.
The project is supported by RFBR grant № 15-06-12041в (2015 - 2016), principal investigator - Olga Dragoy
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