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Summer Neurolinguistics School 2021


General Info       School Schedule       Lecturers and Talks        Contributed presentations     Practicalities       

The Center for Language and Brain at the HSE University (Moscow, Russia) invites you to join us in Moscow, Russia, for our eighth annual Summer Neurolinguistics School. The event will take place ONLINE on 28-30 June 2021.


This year, the topic is The science of reading: From brain to behavior and back again. The school will be devoted to the cognitive and neural mechanisms of reading across languages and populations.


Our confirmed invited lecturers are: 


The school will also feature solicited 'flash talks' and oral presentations.


What to expect?

The school is meant both as an educational event for students entering the field and as an academic environment where more advanced researchers can discuss the latest ideas and achievements in the field. To gain an impression, please see our previous schools.


The school program will include the following:

-       Invited talks by renowned experts in reading, presenting state-of-the-art psycho- and neurolinguistic research on reading across languages and populations. 

-       Contributed 'flash talks' and oral presentations.


Who should be interested?

The program will be of interest to professionals and students in the fields of Linguistics (both experimental and theoretical), Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Speech-Language Pathology, Early Childhood Education, and related fields. The lectures will provide relevant content both for students who are just entering the field and for advanced researchers. 


Participation cost

In 2021, the school will be held fully online, with no registration fee.

Important dates

21 May 2021 Extended to 26 May 2021: Abstract submission deadline [Abstract submission form
1 June 2021: Notification of acceptance of abstracts 
20 June 2021: Registration deadline [Registration form
28-30 June 2021: Meeting dates (ONLINE)

Important information

●    In 2021, the School is held fully online. All registered participants will receive web links by e-mail shortly before the School start.

●    To attend the School, participants need to register.

●    Abstract submissions are encouraged but not required to participate in the school.

●    The working language of the School is English. No translation to Russian will be provided. 



Should you have any questions, please contact us at neuroling.summer.school@gmail.com

We look forward to welcoming you at the School!

The event is organized in the framework of a research grant funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (grant ID: 075-15-2020-928).


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