New article with the head of the lab Joe MacInnes as coauthor
We congratulate Joe MacInnes on the new article "Inhibition of return: An information processing theory of its natures and significance" in Cortex!
The 26th Research Seminar of the Vision Modelling Lab and Icelandic Vision Lab
The Vision Modelling Lab conducted the 26th Research Seminar together with Icelandic Vision Lab of the University of Iceland.
New article with the head of the lab Joe MacInnes as coauthor
We congratulate Joe MacInnes on the new article "Russian blues reveal the limits of language influencing colour discrimination" in Cognition!
Vision Modelling Lab invites applications for postdoctoral research positions
Vision Modelling Lab invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of computational models of attention that simulates functioning of human visual and oculomotor systems.
Vision Modelling Lab invites applications for postdoctoral research positions
Vision Modelling Lab invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of computational models of attention.
The 25th Research Seminar of the Vision Modelling Lab
The Vision Modelling Lab conducted the 25th Research Seminar, within which upcoming events in the laboratory were discussed
Congratulations to our colleagues Sofya Krasovskaya and Joseph MacInnes on the publication of a new article in Vision!
Congratulations to the staff of the Vision Modelling Laboratory, Sofya Krasovskaya and Joseph MacInnes, with the publication of a new article in Vision!
We invite participants for eye-tracking experiments
Vision Modelling Laboratory invites participants for eye-tracking experiments.

Beginner's eye tracking workshop
On the 21st of September in Vision Modelling Laboratory there was a beginner's eye tracking workshop using a new eye tracker "EyeLink 1000 Plus"
The 23rd Research Seminar of Vision Modelling Lab
The Vision Modelling Lab conducted the 23rd Research Seminar, during which the guest researchers from Lomonosov Moscow State University visited our laboratory