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  • HSE’s Institute of Education Collaborates with Global School Laboratory

HSE’s Institute of Education Collaborates with Global School Laboratory

GLoballab President Tatiana Krupa and IOE Academic Supervisor Isak Froumin

The Institute of Education at HSE has signed an agreement outlining collaboration with the online platform, GlobalLab - a community of teachers and students who work on joint research projects over the Internet.

GlobalLab is an Internet environment which enables children from different schools all over the country, under the guidance of teachers and parents, to carry out research projects. These projects can be related to individual subjects and can also go beyond the school curriculum. Instead of memorizing paragraphs from textbooks, children are encouraged to conduct research, to experiment, and to make discoveries.

The online platform offers training courses, workshops and other educational products designed not only for individual users, but also for groups of children supervised by the teachers. GlobalLab products, which were created by Russian teachers, are currently being used throughout Russia, as well as abroad.

The Institute of Education, in collaboration with this online platform, has also devised a continuing education programme for teachers. This programme combines the Institute’s capacity to assess the quality of continuing education and regulate teachers' activities, with GlobalLab modules involving project development and the mapping of children's educational trajectories online.

When creating programmes to support schools which are located in challenging areas, the Institute of Education draws on its experience of organizing classes in the online environment via the platform. In addition, the Director of the Center of Social and Economic Development at HSE, Sergey Kosaretsky, is confident that GlobalLab will be extremely useful to teachers and students in such schools and that it will improve the quality of the education process.

The Institute of Education will use the findings from GlobalLab in studies concerning school education and children’s acquisition of skills in the XXI century. Using data on the activities of students and teachers in the online environment, researchers will study how modern technologies and projects carried out over the Internet can influence their achievements. Such data are hard to come by for Russian researchers in the sphere of education digitalization.

Sergey Kosaretsky adds that the Institute of Education is treating GlobalLab as a successful example of a Russian educational export, as part of a new project. The online platform is popular in the CIS countries and experts are looking at the factors that contribute to its success.

The Institute of Education will help GlobalLab to continue to improve the digital educational environment and the content of training courses and projects, as well as to develop modern technologies for assessing educational outcomes.


See also:

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of Russian parents help their school-age children with their homework, or even do it with them.

It’s More Useful to Compare Students from Different Regions of a Single Country than from Different Countries

Professor Martin Carnoy of Stanford University and visiting professor at the Higher School of Economics, and Tatiana Khavenson, Research Fellow at the HSE Institute of Education, were among the authors of the report ‘An Analysis of the Impact of Education Policies on Student Achievement in the United States’, which was recently presented in Washington, DC. The key provisions of this report are of use when it comes to analyzing the situation in Russian education.


of teachers believe that skills in the field of computer and information technologies are what they lack most when it comes to working effectively.


of teachers in schools are currently younger than 30 years of age.