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Russian HEI websites have become more open, but there is still not enough relevant information on them

RIA NOVOSTI. 27 июня 2013

HEIs have started to publish more required information on their websites which has led to increased openness, formally, however there is still a paucity of relevant data, about for example the cost of courses or whether or not there is a hostel, said Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the HSE on Thursday.

At the beginning of the year, HEIs were obliged by law to put up-to-date information on their sites for school leavers applying for places to study. Researchers from Ria Novosti and the HSE confirmed that the vast majority of HEI websites fulfilled these obligations on time.  Experts have seen an increase in transparency in the education system, which is particularly noticeable in contrast to other parts of society. Today parents and pupils can get information almost “first hand” and address their questions directly to directors of education.

“We’ve seen a growth in formal openness this last year. HEIs which have begun to put information on on their sites have evolved rapidly. Only two years ago, half of all the HEIs didn’t even put up the obligatory information for applicants.” Mr. Kuzminov said at the public hearings on the problem of access to information about educational institutions. The Rector of HSE remarked however that far from all HEIs give information about fee-paying courses, about the availability of accommodation or other information which could be of concern for applicants. He also pointed out that communication through the websites and confidentiality of any exchanges are still issues.