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  • HSE University Hosts the First Meeting of Russian NGO Representatives as Part of BRICS Civil Track

HSE University Hosts the First Meeting of Russian NGO Representatives as Part of BRICS Civil Track

HSE University Hosts the First Meeting of Russian NGO Representatives as Part of BRICS Civil Track

© HSE University

More than 50 representatives of non-profit organisations took part in the meeting, where they discussed the event plan for 2024 and thematic areas of activity of the working groups of the BRICS Civil Forum, scheduled to be held in Moscow in July 2024. The BRICS civil track’s operations are coordinated by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia.

Victoria Panova, Head of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, Co-сhair of the BRICS Civil Forum, HSE University Vice Rector, delivered a welcoming speech at the meeting. She spoke about the priorities of the Russian BRICS presidency in 2024 in the framework of the civil track.

Victoria Panova (right)
© HSE University

‘The theme of Russia’s BRICS presidency this year is "Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security." I am sure that the role of civil society organisations will only grow, and the new member countries will demonstrate their desire to actively join the agenda and will be able to develop a consolidated position on ensuring equitable and sustainable development. The main outcomes of the civil society’s efforts will be presented in July in Moscow during the BRICS Civil Forum,’ says Victoria Panova.

The BRICS Civil Forum is a discussion and presentation platform for civil society of the BRICS members and invited countries, which was launched in 2015 on the initiative of Russia. This year, it will be held on July 3–4 in Moscow. While preparing for the forum, the international civil society representatives will hold a series of meetings and round tables.

The meeting of representatives of Russian NGOs at HSE University is the first event of this series. During the meeting, the participants presented the activity plan of the BRICS civil track in 2024 and thematic areas of the forum's working groups. Co-chairs of the BRICS Civil Forum—Elena Peryshkina, Director of the AIDS Infoshare Foundation, and Elena Topoleva-Soldunova, Director of the Social Information Agency, member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation—spoke at the meeting.

The BRICS Expert Council under the auspices of HSE University acts as the national coordinator of the expert and civil tracks on behalf of Russia, which is responsible for preparing and organising the BRICS Academic and Civil Forums.

The BRICS Expert Council–Russia was established at HSE University following an order by the Russian Government at the initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance. The Council will perform expertise, analysis, and academic research on the most relevant issues of political, socio-economic and humanitarian cooperation among BRICS members.

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