Demand for Master’s Degrees in Data Science Quadruples Since Last Year
According to analytics from HSE University’s online campus, the demand for the Master of Data Science online Master’s programme has quadrupled, and the number of applicants doubled compared to last year (more than 250 students). Data science ranks first in demand among all HSE master’s degree programmes taught online.
HSE Researchers Join Forces with Yandex Cloud to Develop a Neural Network for Predicting El Niño
A team of researchers from HSE University, jointly with the Yandex School of Data Analysis and Yandex Cloud, have developed a neural network for anticipating El Niño climate anomalies. The new algorithm enables more precise predictions of changes in the average surface temperature of oceanic waters that can trigger natural disasters in specific regions of the world. At present, the model is capable of predicting El Niño events one and a half years in advance, and the researchers are working towards extending the forecast period to two years.