Role of Street Art in Urban Environment Discussed at HSE CREATIVE HUB
On July 22, the HSE CREATIVE HUB space hosted the ‘AGREED’ street art festival. This is the first collaboration between HSE Art and Design School students and the CHAIN community. The event participants learned how street art changes the urban environment and also created their own artifacts in the form of special stickers and stencils.

‘This Summer School Made Me Realise How Important Data Analytics Actually Is Nowadays’
From July 4–8, the 14th Summer School ‘Methods and Tools for Analysing Social Networks’ was held by the International Laboratory for Applied Network Research (ANR Lab). The dissemination of knowledge about the most recent methods of network analysis is one of the goals of the laboratory. Social network analysis is an interdisciplinary field that studies networks of interactions between different objects (such as people, organisations, institutions, countries, words in texts, texts on the internet) and identifying hidden patterns within them.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025