HSE Camping Weekend
Feel a little tired of Moscow’s hectic life? Thinking about getting away from this non-stop rush? Then HSE Camping Weekend is exactly what you need!
Organized by HSE Extreme Sports Club, this event is a great chance to spend two days out of the city, meet a large number of Russian students, and enjoy the beauty of the countryside. Sitting around the campfire and singing guitar songs together is something that will definitely give you warm memories for a long time.
If you’re afraid of any communication problems, don’t be - most HSE Extreme Sports Club members speak fluent English. They’re also very kind and always ready to help less experienced participants. So, it doesn’t really matter whether you’re just a beginner or an advanced thrill-seeker – everyone is very much welcome!
Here’s the event programme:
May 24
Although the event officially starts on Saturday, the most enthusiastic guys are arriving on Friday in order to have some free time to explore the area around, have guitar get-togethers and just settle in the place.
May 25
From the early morning we will be waiting for our guests to arrive
12:00 – Opening event
13:00 –19:00 – Obstacle course with carbines
13:30 – Cooking show "Doshirak-battle"
22:00 – Guitar and accordion campfire songs till the sunrise
All the time during event: Team-building games, as well as sports activities (football, volleyball, badminton, frisbee)
May 26
11:00 – The award ceremony and searches for those who got lost during the obstacle course (just kidding)
– Free time for everything that you wanted but weren't able to do on Saturday
–Tearful good-bye hugs and the way home.
HSE Camping Weekend will take place near the paintball club ‘TopGun’, which is located right between two towns – Khotkovo and Sergiyev Posad. You can get there either on your own or together with Extreme Sports Club members.
If you choose to go on your own, then you first need to take a train from Yaroslavsky railway station to station Khotkovo, then walk about 6 km. Here is the video description (in English) how to get there from the Komsomolskaya subway station. VERY IMPORTANT
Don’t be afraid to go just because you don’t have enough equipment! The only essential things that we highly recommend you to take are:
- a sleeping bag
- a camping mat
- food (instant porridge, sausages, sandwiches, corned beef etc) and drinks
- a mug, a spoon, a bowl, a knife
- warm clothes
- waterproof footwear
- a flashligh
- tent or just place in a tent
As we have a limited number of tents, it’s advisable to book one in advance or you can buy it from here.
To get a tent please contact Varvara Sukhanova, +7 (926) 224-96-11 Also, don't hesitate to write her if you have any other general questions about the trip.
Let’s spend the most adventurous and romantic weekend of this spring together!
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