HSE MIEM Celebrates 60 Years at the Forefront of Electronics and Mathematics
Students, staff and graduates of the HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE), university leaders, representatives of HSE University faculties and partner companies gathered at the HSE Culture Centre on October 14 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the institute.
Before the start of the ceremony, the foyer of the Culture Centre hosted a reception for graduates of the institute where attendees could see top student projects and stands by student organisations. It was an opportunity for members of different generations of MIEM to network and through direct, informal conversations.
The Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine Building was founded in 1962. Its founding was a response to challenges facing science and industry in a time of rapid development of electronics both nationally and globally. Created as a specialised higher education institution in the nascent field of IT, MIEM was a founder of higher education in this field.
The 60-year anniversary of the founding of the institute coincided with another important event: the 10-year anniversary of its incorporation into HSE University.
‘In HSE University’s history, there has been only one merger: the one with MIEM,’ noted Yaroslav Kuzminov, Academic Supervisor of HSE University. ‘Ten years ago, we dealt with a crisis at the institute. Now, MIEM places highly in various subject rankings and, in some cases, tops them. And this was achieved not by internal managers, but by the MIEM team with help from the rest of HSE University. I do not regret the decision I made ten years ago.’

Analysing the causes of its success, Yaroslav Kuzminov noted the quality of the institute’s work throughout its history: ‘MIEM has always had a remarkable culture of involving students from lower years in the real work of departments, in real project work. This tradition has spread throughout HSE University over the last ten years, but student project work is organised best at MIEM specifically.’
Evgenii Krouk, Academic Supervisor and Director of MIEM HSE, highlighted the key importance of the project model of education implemented at the institute.

‘Ten years ago, when MIEM and HSE University merged, it was the start of a new era marked by rapid changes in technological agendas,’ he explained. ‘Now, engineers cannot simply receive a fundamental education at university and then go into the industry and re-learn technological processes. We understand that the only way is to combine fundamental education with project activity. That is how our project model was born.’
‘Today, as we find ourselves in a totally new economic situation, engineers are key figures whose tasks have become much broader than those we are used to,’ noted Yaroslav Kuzminov. ‘Modern engineers must constantly create, think, and search. We are very happy and proud that we and MIEM have helped to create a nursery for such engineers.’
Igor Agamirzian, Vice President of HSE University, stressed that changes come so quickly that one cannot live solely on knowledge gained previously. ‘A university’s main task is not to provide a set of knowledge to students, but to teach them to learn independently, to study what is new and appearing around them,’ he said.
Skoltech President Alexander Kuleshov presented an offer to create a joint educational programme between HSE University and Skoltech in telecommunications at MIEM in the near future. He noted the timeliness of this field, which is developing at the intersection of electronics and mathematics.
Ilya Ivantsov, President of Element (part of Sistema), spoke about close collaboration with MIEM in microelectronics, a field located at the epicentre of events occurring in the IT sphere overall. He also told the participants of the ceremony about the increased scholarship fund to encourage the best student teams involved in the company’s projects.
Another important event for MIEM that took place several days before the ceremony was the opening of an engineering and mathematics school at the institute. The school is a joint initiative of HSE University and VK.

‘HSE University is one of VK’s key educational partner universities. We have been actively working with the university in the humanities and economic fields for more than five years, but as an IT company, it was important to us to develop this partnership in technical fields too,’ explained Anna Stepanova, Director for Educational Projects at VK. ‘The start of this cooperation was the opening of our joint engineering and mathematics school this year. Students of the school will work on real business projects, and will be able to take additional educational courses from VK. We will support the best and most motivated students, who will be covered by VK’s scholarship programme.’

The event also featured an award ceremony for student leaders in project work and research activity, including winners of the Student Research Paper Competition, named scholarships (the university’s Armensky and Tikonov scholarships), and state and presidential scholarships.
We join in congratulating MIEM, and wish everyone at the institute new professional achievements, career growth, and good fortune!
Igor Agamirzian
HSE Vice President
Evgenii Krouk
Academic Supervisor, HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE)
Yaroslav Kuzminov
HSE University Academic Supervisor
Veronika Prokhorova
Deputy Director, HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM HSE)
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