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Regular version of the site

New HSE Mailouts = Less Junk Mail!

Internal mailouts are an effective way of informing HSE staff about what’s going on at the university. However, occasionally, useful emailing can turn into spam. Our IT specialists have come up with a solution!

In the past, some staff members have hit “reply all” to such mailouts, which has triggered back-and-forth emailing between colleagues sharing information not relevant to all recipients. Understandably, some recipients become frustrated by the resulting email chain, which, at the end of the day, decreases the efficiency of email communication in general.

This is why key mailouts will now be screened before they are sent, in order to ensure relevance to the purpose of the group email. If possible, the moderators responsible for carrying out the screening will answer any queries raised in the initial email, to avoid forwarding them for further public discussion.

The screening should not be seen as a form of censorship, rather, it is a way of ensuring effective communication. Nothing will change for the senders of these mailouts; the screening process is highly efficient, meaning that emails will be sent out by the moderators within 10-15 minutes of receiving them. From 9pm to 8am and on weekends, the delay will be slightly longer.

Please remember that one of the ways to decrease the volume of emails you receive is to unsubscribe from mailing lists which may not be relevant to you. Staff members can do it by logging into their personal HSE bpm profile (Managing subscriptions via HSE email (in Russian)).