Apply for Increased Scholarship Competition
HSE is now accepting applications for the competition for increased state academic scholarships for outstanding academic, research, public, cultural, creative or sports achievements. International students on full-tuition Russian government scholarships are eligible to apply.
Apply in the LMS system until 5pm, December 25, via the student portfolio. To participate in the competition, add the necessary documents to your portfolio and then attach them to the application.
On November 30, 2018, the Academic Council, in coordination with the Student Council, added amendments to the Regulations on Scholarships, regarding the competition procedure and application expertise.
The key changes are aimed at making evaluation of applications in sports and public categories clearer and more consistent. To this purpose, expert committees will be created, consisting in equal parts of staff and students.
In addition, it will be easier to apply for scholarships for master’s students who came to HSE from other universities.
The results of the competition will be announced in late January, and the increased scholarship will be assigned from January 1, 2019, to June 30, 2019 to the students who receive the state academic scholarship during the same period.