‘It’s Important for Readers to Be Able to Hold a Book in Their Hands, Interact with the Publisher, Meet the Author, and Get an Autograph’
The HSE Publishing House participated in the 33rd Moscow International Book Fair, which was held recently. The HSE News Service spoke with HSE Publishing House Director Elena Ivanova about why it is important for publishers to participate in onsite events, how many titles the House has released for the new season, and how the House got on with remote work and self-isolation.

HSE Publishing House Celebrates Its Anniversary and Goes to Red Square
This year, the HSE Publishing House celebrates two anniversaries: 20 years since its foundation, and 10 years since the launch of multiple monograph series in the social sciences, economics, and humanities. The publishing house celebrated both dates by participating in the Red Square Book Festival.
Book Published by HSE Publishing House Wins The Enlightener Prize
Sergey Kavtaradze’s ‘The Anatomy of Architecture: Seven Books on Logic, Form and Meaning’ – published by the HSE Publishing House – has been awarded the Enlightener Prize in the Humanities category.

HSE Publishing House Books for Sale in London
HSE Publishing House books are on sale in London now. In the huge Waterstones bookshop on Piccadilly, with four floors of English books there is a cozy space allocated specially to Russian language fiction and academic literature.