High Competition Decreases the Efficiency of State Procurement
Contrary to expectations, a growing number of open auction participants doesn’t decrease the price of the contract. On the contrary, the price is lower when the bidding involves only one player – usually, the market leader. Anna Balsevich presented her paper ‘Interregional Comparison of State Procurement Efficiency in Russia’ at the international seminar ‘Sustainable state procurement: development trends and challenges’.
International Workshop on ‘Sustainable Public Procurement: Research Trends and New Challenges’
The Center for Institutional Studies (CInSt), at HSE, is hosting a workshop on 4 - 5 October, 2013 on aspects of sustainable public procurement. The international workshop brings together researchers from The Economics of Public Private Partnerships Chair and the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Padova and from the HSE’s CInSt. The HSE news portal asked three of the participants to answer some questions in advance of the workshop.
‘A wide range of fundamental issues will be discussed’
Dr. Pablo Spiller, Jeffrey A. Jacobs Distinguished Professor of Business and Technology at the University of California, Berkeley, will give an honorary lecture at the XIV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. He gave a special interview for the HSE News Service.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025