HSE and Steklov Mathematical Institute Mathematician Alexander Efimov Awarded EMS Prize
Alexander Efimov, a research fellow at the International Laboratory for Mirror Symmetry and Automorphic Forms of HSE University, has been awarded the European Mathematical Society’s prestigious Prize.
of Russians who hold doctoral and candidate degrees conduct research in the same academic field as their parents.
of Russian researchers recognize that to be effective they need to work with peers as part of a scientific school.
The Humboldt Foundation in Russia
On February 26-28, 2014, the HSE will host a conference on ‘The Role of the Humboldt Foundation in Consolidating and Developing Russian Science during the Transition’. Andrei Yakovlev, Director of the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies and the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development, agreed to give an interview to the HSE News Service about the influence of the Humboldt Foundation on his own life and on Russian scientific life in general.