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MIEM Presented its Laboratory’s Works in Paris

A unique photo exhibition, ‘Russian Photographer Sergey Chelnokov’s View. Stereography, Russia and Europe, 1880 – 1917’, was held at Paris city administration as part of the Moscow Days in Paris.

The exhibition was organized by the Higher School of Economics, the Moscow Government, the Paris city administration, and the Sergey Chelnokov Foundation. Anne Hidalgo, the Mayor of Paris, and Sergey Sobyanin, the Mayor of Moscow, opened the exhibition.

HSE played a key role in uncovering the forgotten archive by Sergey Chelnokov. It was exhibited at HSE, and then at the Museum of Moscow. Aside from its considerable historical importance, it opened up opportunities for technological experimentation and the application of cutting-edge technologies in visual communications. Developments by the MIEM Laboratory of Internet Technologies and Services (headed by Boris Linetskiy) and MIEM Laboratory of 3D Imaging and Computer Graphics (headed by Alexey Rolich) made it possible not only to view these historic photos, but to get inside the pictures of the past and to touch the reality of the images thanks to a unique 3D movie produced using these archive photos. The two ways of presenting the photos, the traditional way and in a 3D movie, made the exhibition really interesting for the thousands of Parisians who came to visit it.

The ceremonial closing of the exhibition included a discussion on ‘Visual memory and history. Collective and individual phenomenon’. During the discussion, Dmitry Novikov (HSE School of Philosophy) put forward his thoughts on ‘Hidden violence of the image and the problem of archives’. Andrey Korlyakov, a historian with a particular interest in Russian emigration (Paris) spoke about ‘Visual memory in the photos of emigrants’ children’. Alexey Rolich presented a report on ‘Visualization using 3D technologies in museums and exhibitions and stereo-pictures by Sergey Chelnokov’. Kira Sapgir, a Russian-French writer, Inna Merkulova, Head of the Russian Centre in Paris, French journalists, and movie directors, took part in the discussion.

See also:

Entries for ‘Nature and Climate’ Photography Contest Accepted till Late August

The HSE Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology has become one of the organisers of the ‘Nature and Climate’ photography contest. The goal of the contest is to celebrate the beauty of nature and its connection with climate, as well as to showcase modern approaches to studying natural ecosystems and their role in climate regulation. The contest is open to all, and the best photographs will be displayed at an exhibition in September, timed to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the faculty.

'Potsherds and Spindles. Joy and Burden': New Exhibition at HSE ART GALLERY

A series of paired solo exhibitions has been launched at the HSE ART GALLERY on Pionerskaya: projects by teachers and students of the HSE Art and Design School are now exhibited at one venue. The first project in this series is by Vladislav Efimov, a teacher, and Alexandra Zamuruyeva, a student of the ‘Design and Contemporary Art’ programme.

‘Everything Evermore All at Once’: New Exhibition at HSE ART GALLERY

HSE ART GALLERY, which was established in 2018, has launched a new exhibition area. The first project in the new space opened on May 28, 2024. The exhibition represents works by more than 50 HSE Art and Design School students and graduates in Contemporary Art, Fashion, and Subject Design.

HSE ART GALLERY 2.0: Relaunch and New Space at the Winzavod

HSE ART GALLERY, which was established in 2018, is launching a new exhibition area. This second gallery will be in Winzavod, one of the largest private centres for contemporary art in Russia. The art space on Paveletskaya will become a place for implementing commercial projects and housing exhibitions by HSE Art and Design students and graduates.

Stella Art Foundation Exhibition Featuring Works of HSE Art and Design School Teachers to Last until May 26

The Stella Art Foundation has launched the exhibition 'About All the Things That Live There’ by Curator of the Master’s track ‘Video Art’ at HSE Art and Design School Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, Coordinator of the ‘Photography’ track at HSE Art and Design School Evgenia Solomatina, as well as artist Nina Kotel. The project is curated by Alexey Korsi.

Exhibition by HSE Art and Design School Students Now Open at Fabrika Centre

The Fabrika Centre for Creative Industries is hosting a graduation exhibition by bachelor’s students of Contemporary Art at the HSE Art and Design School. In the exhibition titled ‘Freedom of Absurdity’, the early-career artists present their interpretations of melancholy. The exhibition is open to visitors until April 21, 2024, and admission is free of charge.

Imprint: An Open Competition for Photographers

The ‘Photography’ educational track of the HSE Art and Design School is launching an online magazine called Imprint. The magazine will focus on collecting, summarising, and making sense of information about modern photography in Russia. The school will support talented photographers and offer them a platform for creating, developing, and uniting.

‘Winnie-the-Pooh and All, All, All’. Poster Exhibition of Graduates of HSE Art and Design School

Until March 15, the exhibition ‘Winnie-the-Pooh and All, All, All’ will be held in the Children's and Youth Department of the Central City Youth Library named after M.A. Svetlov. Graduates of the continuing education programme ‘Illustration. Basic Course’ decided to take a fresh look at A. A. Milne's beloved fairy tale by drawing incredibly colourful posters.

‘Our Exhibition Is an Attempt to Meet the Challenge of Conceptualism in the Most Radical Form’

On January 18–February 4, 2024, the philosophy and contemporary art exhibition ‘Exercises in Conceptualism’ took place at the Gallery Na Peschanoy (part of the Moscow City Galleries Network). The event posed a philosophical question about the phenomenon of conceptualism through the study of the artistic, institutional, epistemological (cognitive) and ontological (existential) status of explication, an important and little-studied element of modern art.

‘It’s Important to Combine Painting with Modern Technology’

On January 19, the HSE ART GALLERY hosted the opening of a new exhibition, ‘Majors, Minors. Aftertone’, which will last until March 10. The exhibition features works created by students of the HSE Art and Design School as part of their courses on modern painting and creating art projects using photography and neural networks. The exhibition was curated by artists and teachers Olga Chernysheva, Vladislav Efimov, as well as art critic Nicolas Audureau.