‘The Russian-Chinese Partnership: A Stabilising Factor in the World’
A delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) visited HSE University. As part of the visit, a roundtable discussion on ‘Russia and China: Comprehensive Partnership and Strategic Interaction in a New Era’ was held. Participants discussed issues related to the Russian-Chinese strategic interaction in global and regional security, finance, trade, and investment. The meeting was moderated by Victoria Panova, Vice Rector of HSE University, Head of the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, and Russia's Sherpa in the ‘Women's Twenty.’

BRICS Academic Forum Held in Moscow
The Forum brought together more than 200 representatives from the expert community across all BRICS countries to discuss the topic ‘BRICS: New Figures at the Global Chessboard.’ The forum was organised by the BRICS Expert Council–Russia, which operates on the basis of HSE University. The event’s opening ceremony featured the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Duma, as well as HSE University Rector Nikita Anisimov and HSE Vice Rector, Russian W20 Sherpa Victoria Panova.

Lyceum Classes with Support from HSE: School Students from Uzbekistan Visit HSE University
HSE University has welcomed students of the International House Tashkent Academic Lyceum at TIIAME National Research University, Uzbekistan. The students are participants in the educational project 'Lyceum Classes with Support from HSE,' initiated by the International Admissions Office and implemented since 2022 in collaboration with faculties of HSE University and foreign educational institutions.

HSE University-St Petersburg and University of Technology Malaysia Open Joint Laboratory
HSE University-St Petersburg and University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) have opened a mirror laboratory in social entrepreneurship. The opening ceremony of the Russian part of this laboratory took place during the International Partners' Days, which gathered delegations from 23 foreign universities.

HSE University Hosts Delegates from 15 Countries at International Partners' Days in St Petersburg
On May 23 in the Presidential Library in St Petersburg, leaders and experts from 23 universities of 15 countries participated in the first day of the International Partners' Days. Apart from the lively discussion about global tendencies in the development of higher education, HSE University has signed partner agreements with the universities of India, Uzbekistan and Oman.

Russian-Italian Projects in Biomedicine Discussed at HSE University
HSE University hosted an international mini-conference titled 'Search for new ways to develop Russian-Italian cooperation in the field of Biomedicine,' attended by scientists from both countries and HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov.

'Joint Background in Political Science and Anthropology Turned Out to Be Invaluably Useful in Studying the Region'
From April 26 to May 7, a team of professors and students from HSE University-St Petersburg conducted a field study in the Indian Himalayas. Below, Aleksei Sorbale, academic supervisor of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', and Pavel Bazarov, a student of the Master's programme 'Global and Regional History', speak about their research and share their impressions of the expedition.

‘Compare Viewpoints, Listen to Others, and Try to Make Yourself Heard’
Prof. Olga Volosyuk, Head of the School of International Regional Studies, Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, spoke to the HSE News Service about international relations, research, and conferences organised by the School.

HSE University and Top Chinese Universities: Partnership Based on Mutual Respect and Trust
In mid-April 2024 representatives of several leading universities in China visited HSE University in Moscow. A delegation from Dalian University of Foreign Languages (DUFL), led by Rector Liu Hong, came to sign a cooperation and exchange agreement, while representatives of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), led by Board Member and Vice President Chao Qiuling, discussed expanding potential areas of interaction within the existing cooperation and exchange agreement.

Delegation from Vietnamese Universities Visits HSE University
In April 2024 Deputy Minister of Education and Training of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Hoang Minh Son and a delegation from top Vietnamese universities visited the HSE Pokrovka campus. The parties discussed prospects for the development of bilateral relations in higher education and identified priority areas for continued partnership.