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Illustration for news: HSE Supercomputer Doubles Its Performance

HSE Supercomputer Doubles Its Performance

The peak performance of the HSE cHARISMa supercomputer has doubled, reaching 2 petaflops (2 quadrillion floating-point operations per second). HSE University now outperforms the Kurchatov Institute in terms of computing power. The only more powerful university computers are MSU’s Lomonosov-2 and SPbPU’s Polytechnic. Thanks to the timely upgrade, cHARISMa has retained its respectable 6th position among the Top 50 most powerful computer systems in the CIS for three years.

Illustration for news: ‘If We Can’t Prevent the Robot Invasion, We Should Lead It’

‘If We Can’t Prevent the Robot Invasion, We Should Lead It’

The induction of the MuseNet deep neural network into the Russian Union of Composers in April 2021 has interesting implications—will artificial intelligence edge live performers out of their profession? Evgenia Evpak, composer, teacher at the HSE Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design and graduate of the HSE ISSEK Master’s programme in Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation, believes that humans still have a future in the music industry.

Illustration for news: Lasers, Magnetic Stimulation and a Robotic Arm: How Researchers at HSE University Study the Brain

Lasers, Magnetic Stimulation and a Robotic Arm: How Researchers at HSE University Study the Brain

The Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience (ICN) at HSE University has recently added state-of-the-art laboratory equipment to its range of tools for studying brain function. The News Service visited the Institute to learn more about the uses of infrared lasers, optical tomography and a unique robotic arm, as well as why research into vascular tone is important, which parts of the brain can be stimulated to make people more generous, and how the Institute’s research can help treat diseases.

Illustration for news: ‘It Is a Good Time to Try to Make the “Space Dream” Come True’

‘It Is a Good Time to Try to Make the “Space Dream” Come True’

How to bring together artificial intelligence, robotics and art? Will a robotic artist be commercially successful? Does the state need private space companies? What difficulties can entrepreneurs who decide to pursue Elon Musk’s path expect? Graduates of the HSE Department of Innovation Management have tried to answer these and other questions. At their theses defence, Davit Meliksetyan and Alexei Baskakov presented their studies on ‘Start-Up as a Thesis’ about creating one’s own business projects. The HSE News Service talked to the graduates about the topic of their theses, and their relevance and potential for the future.

Illustration for news: ‘I Want Blind People to Be Able to Use Everything Other People Use’

‘I Want Blind People to Be Able to Use Everything Other People Use’

On June 10th, the Cultural Centre hosted the open final of the HSE Startup Cup competition held by the HSE Business Incubator. First place in the ‘Idea’ category went to a project by 13-year-old Daniil Khachaturov to adapt educational web resources for blind and visually impaired people. The student and his mentor, Gulshat Suhanova, lecturer at the Institute of Education of HSE University, spoke with the News Service about his participation in the incubator and his start-up idea.

Illustration for news: Creative Moscow: Ahead of Hong Kong and Melbourne, but Far behind Beijing and London

Creative Moscow: Ahead of Hong Kong and Melbourne, but Far behind Beijing and London

Moscow is not only Russia’s official capital, but its creative capital as well. 54% of the added value of the country’s creative industries is generated here. This was one of the findings presented in the report, ‘Moscow’s Creative Economy in Figures’, prepared jointly by HSE researchers and the Moscow Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development.

Illustration for news: Yandex and HSE – St. Petersburg to Open a Natural Language Laboratory

Yandex and HSE – St. Petersburg to Open a Natural Language Laboratory

The laboratory will study natural language texts, develop deep learning methods for their generation, and analyze computational linguistic data. Yandex, as a project partner, will help attract leading experts in artificial intelligence and data analysis to work in the laboratory on a long-term basis. The laboratory will be headed by Ivan Yamshchikov, Yandex Research Fellow and Associate Professor of Informatics at HSE University – St. Petersburg.

Illustration for news: ‘We Facilitate High-Speed Car Crashes and Study How Car Engines Work Based on Photos of Flying Debris’

‘We Facilitate High-Speed Car Crashes and Study How Car Engines Work Based on Photos of Flying Debris’

Nikita Kazeev holds a Candidate of Sciences degree (Russian equivalent of a PhD) in Computer Science and a PhD in Physics. He is a Research Fellow at the LAMBDA Laboratory and works at CERN. In an interview with HSE News Service, he talked about what it was like to defend his dissertation in a double doctoral degree programme at HSE University and Sapienza University of Rome, what it is like to conduct research in Geneva, and why it is imperative to communicate with colleagues.

Illustration for news: How Modern Robots Are Developed

How Modern Robots Are Developed

Today, neuroscience and robotics are developing hand in hand. Mikhail Lebedev, Academic Supervisor at HSE University’s Centre for Bioelectric Interfaces, spoke about how studying the brain inspires the development of robots.

Illustration for news: ‘Cooperation with R&D Organizations and Universities Is Significantly Distinctive for Advanced Innovators’

‘Cooperation with R&D Organizations and Universities Is Significantly Distinctive for Advanced Innovators’

The innovation performance of firms depends on their ability to innovate in cooperation with external partners. In their study, HSE researchers found that most of innovation in Russian manufacturing happens in a sort of open processes, but extensive cooperation networks are barely detectable. The study was published in the December issue of Foresight and STI Governance.