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Ekaterina Andreevna Okorochkova
- Analyst: Centre for Institutional Research
- Ekaterina Andreevna Okorochkova has been at HSE University since 2014.
- Conduction of research and development, introducing the results in the educational process.
- Publication of the results of the research work.
- Participation in the preparation of plans and reports on research and development.
HSE University
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience
- 3-Seminar Series of Public Speaking at the Higher School of Economics - ICEF (The Instuctor: Kosmas Marinakis), February 16-17-19, 2016
Research Projects
- The Connection between Occupation and Mental Health in Russia (HSE, 2014-2015, coursework, scientific director: Kozlov V.A.)
- Statistical Analysis of Education and Economic Activity Indicators in Russia (HSE, 2015-2016, coursework, scientific director: Kuchmaeva O.V.)
- Statistical Analysis and Modelling of the Realationship between the HSE Graduates Wages and University Performance (HSE, 2016-2017, bachelor's project, scientific director: Arkhipova M.U.)
- Business English Conference "Professional English - A Recipe for Success", March 2, 2015 (HSE, Moscow), participant
Employment history
11.2016-06.2018 - Trainee researcher of Centre of Institutional Research of HSE
09.2014-12.2015 - Instructor at the course "Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry" at the Faculty of Economics