Maxim N. Kotsemir
- Senior Research Fellow: Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge / Centre for Quantitative Modelling / Unit for Statistical Modelling
- Maxim N. Kotsemir has been at HSE University since 2009.
- Language Proficiency
- Russian
- English
- French
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90
11740 - Address: 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, room 530
- SSRN (Social Science Research Network) author page
- SPIN-RSCI: 2272-2820
- ORCID: 0000-0002-8286-4480
- ResearcherID: O-2561-2013
- Scopus AuthorID: 55903946200
- Google Scholar
- Office hours
- Mon - Fri10:00 - 20:00
- Blogs
- Supervisor
- A. Sokolov
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HSE University
HSE University
Awards and Accomplishments
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2012–2013)
- 2019
17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENTOMETRICS & INFORMETRICS (Рим). Presentation: Global overview of patenting landscape in unmanned aerial vehicles
17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENTOMETRICS & INFORMETRICS (Рим). Presentation: Identifying research areas for intensification of intraBRICS collaboration
17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENTOMETRICS & INFORMETRICS (Рим). Presentation: The role of research collaborations for academic performance in Italy: An empirical analysis of Scopus data
IX Международная научная конференция «Форсайт и научно-техническая и инновационная политика» (Москва). Presentation: BRICS+: Bibliometric Analysis of Emerging Economies
- 2018
FTA2018 - Future in the making (Брюссель). Presentation: Common STI priorities for several countries: BRICS case
XIX АПРЕЛЬСКАЯ МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ НАУЧНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ ПО ПРОБЛЕМАМ РАЗВИТИЯ ЭКОНОМИКИ И ОБЩЕСТВА (Москва). Presentation: Foresight-based approaches to identifying priorities for S&T cooperation (case of BRICS countries)
Eighth International Academic Conference Foresight and STI Policy (Москва). Presentation: S&T Cooperation between BRICS Countries: Bibliometric Analysis
- 2017
XVIII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Оценка эффективности инновационных систем регионов России
XVIII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Using scientometric indicators for analysis of S&T development in BRICS countries
XVIII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: R&D and performance in agricultural sector
Second World Congress of Comparative Economics «1917 –2017: Revolution and Evolution in Economic Development» (St. Petersburg). Presentation: Intra-BRICS Scientific Collaboration and its Impact on Scientific Landscapes of BRICS Countries
16th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI2017) (Ухань). Presentation: Global overview of unmanned aerial vehicles research: country-level and organisation-level bibliometric analysis
International BRICS Global Business and Innovation Conference (Saint-Petersburg). Presentation: S&T priorities for BRICS countries: mutual benefits of cooperation
- 2015
2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2015 (Албена). Presentation: Measuring the Research Capacity of a University: Use of Web of Science and Scopus
V Международная научная конференция «Форсайт и научно-техническая и инновационная политика» (Москва). Presentation: Identifying priorities of Russia’s international S&T cooperation: countries and thematic areas
V Международная научная конференция «Форсайт и научно-техническая и инновационная политика» (Москва). Presentation: International STI cooperation in APEC region: key characteristics and composite scores
- 2013
DEA2013: 11th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis (Самсун). Presentation: National innovation systems efficiency analysis with DEA: issues of sample content and the set of variables
- 2012
Towards Transformative Governance? Responses to mission-oriented innovation policy paradigms (Карслруэ). Presentation: Time lags in dynamics of GERD and GDP: cross-country analysis
Bi-annual EACES conference (Пейсли, Шотландия). Presentation: The transition from factor driven economies to innovation driven economies - the case of BRIC and GCC countries
- 2010
Научный семинар научно-учебной лаборатории макроэкономического анализа НИУ ВШЭ (Москва). Presentation: Оценка колебаний деловой активности в экономике России.
- 2009
Научный семинар научно-учебной лаборатории макроэкономического анализа НИУ ВШЭ (Москва). Presentation: Расчёт динамики баланса структурного бюджета в России.
Participation in research projects and grants
- Assessment of the level of development of research competencies, scientific and technological resources of Russian companies and organizations on "end-to-end" digital technologies and related research and development (2019-2020, Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation).
- Provision of services for the expertise and development of methodology for statistical observations and measurement of parameters for the development of the digital economy, including measuring the effects of the digital transformation of economic sectors and social sphere and the formation of statistical content (2019-2020, Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation).
- Tools for Improving the Effectiveness of Foresight Research in Science, Technology and Innovation (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2019).
- Development of the concept of the innovation and production cluster creation in the territory of Moscow according to the Complex of Measures for Development of the Innovation and Production Cluster Creation Concept in the City of Moscow (2018-2020; Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow).
- Study of the Internet development in Russia in the conditions of the digital economy formation (2018; Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Coordination Center of the National Internet Domain").
- Information and analytical support for the development of international scientific and technological cooperation of the Russian Federation with priority countries and regions, including the BRICS and EU member states (2018 - 2019; Analytical Centre for International Scientific, Technological and Educational Programmes).
- Study of tools for forecasting the processes of digital transformation of the economy and society (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2018).
- Creation of a system for monitoring scientific, scientific and technological and innovation activities to assess the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2017-2019).
- Analysis of prospective directions and forms of scientific and technical cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations (PFUR, 2017-2018).
- Improvement of Forecasting Methods for Formation of Evidentiary Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2017).
- Study of the prospects for long-term development of science and technology in the Russian Federation and assessment of their potential for the formation of new industries and modernization of traditional industries (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2017).
- Identification of long-term global challenges and trends that determine the prospects for science and technology development in the BRICS countries" (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2016-2017).
- Partisan foresight for Smart Cities: from an idea through scenarios to road maps (2016-2017; WGSF).
- Development of mechanisms for participation of leading organizations of scientific and educational sphere in the preparation and implementation of the strategy of scientific and technological development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation (2016; Ministry of Agriculture of Russia).
- Science, technology and innovation policy: formation of tools and assessment of their effectiveness (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2016).
- STI Cooperation and Science Specialization of APEC Economies (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, 2015-2016).
- Development and practical testing of the system of complex monitoring of priority areas of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation and critical technologies of the Russian Federation for civil purposes (2015 - 2016; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).
- Formation of scientific-methodical, regulatory and information-analytical basis for forecasting scientific and technological development in the strategic planning system in the Russian Federation (2015 - 2016; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).
- Providing services for the formation of information and methodological basis for the development of scientific and technological development forecast of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation and taking into account its results in updating the State program of agricultural development and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013 - 2020 and other strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation at the federal and regional levels (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, 2015 - 2016).
- Formation of Effective Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: Methods and Tools (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2015).
- Definition of priority directions and key instruments of international scientific and technical cooperation between Russia and leading foreign countries in the framework of forming the system of scientific and technological forecasting of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2014-2015).
- Scientific, methodological and analytical support for monitoring and extra-departmental evaluation of the performance of scientific organizations engaged in research, development and technological work for civil purposes (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2014-2015).
- Preparation of proposals to update the Priority areas of science, technology and technology development and the List of critical technologies of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2014-2015).
- Development of road maps for scientific and technological development of the Russian aircraft industry (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, 2014-2015).
- Formation of a system of tools for integrating the results of industry forecasts of scientific and technological development in the formation and updating of long-term forecasts of scientific and technological development of Russia (2014; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)..
- Formation of the program (thematic blocks) of studies in the field of social and human sciences and economics aimed at improving the efficiency of management of scientific and technological sphere, the formation and application of the methodology for obtaining estimates of social effects of innovative activity (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2014).
- Definition of the system of long-term priorities of scientific and technological activities of civil purposes of the national research Tomsk State University on the basis of Forsythe (Tomsk State University, 2014).
- Measuring efficiency, forecasting and selection of strategic priorities for science and technology". (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2014).
- Development of methodology, improvement of statistical monitoring mechanism, data collection, calculation of information society development indicators in accordance with the methodology of international organizations and development of recommendations to increase Russia's place in international ratings of information society development (Ministry of Communications of Russia, 2013-2014).
- Development of a road map for transition to an "effective contract" in the field of science of the Russian Federation and a package of institutional reforms for its implementation". (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2013).
- Updating the long-term forecast of the most important directions of scientific and technological development for the period until 2030". (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2013).
- Formation of Effective Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: Methods and Tools (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2013).
- Methods for Measuring the Efficiency of Instruments of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2012).
- Evaluation of the efficiency of science and innovation based on a unified system of forecast calculations (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, 2011-2013).
- Measuring the dynamics of science and technology: theoretical and applied aspects (HSE Center for Basic Research, 2011).
Accounts in research networks
Knowledge of computer programs
Microsoft Office, Statistica, MaxDEA, VOSviewer, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, Stata, SPSS - advanced user.
HSE ISSEK Researchers Analyse Opportunities for Scientific Cooperation between Developing Countries in BRICS + Global South Format
Volume of R&D funding and number of Scopus-indexed publications of the BRICS countries in total already exceed those of the EU-total and the United States. These metrics have opportunity for further growth if the five developing countries strengthen scientific cooperation with other countries from Global South that have significant growth potential. Researchers from the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge Alexander Sokolov, Sergey Shashnov, and Maxim Kotsemir analysed the opportunities for research collaboration within these clusters of countries along with the obstacles standing in the way of greater cooperation.
Two HSE University Researchers Among Winners of Research Excellence Award Russia 2021
Elsevier (operated by Scopus) has awarded its prestigious Research Excellence Award since 2005. This year, it celebrates the Year of Science and Technology in Russia. On March 30, Elsevier awarded the winning scholars, which included Maxim Kotsemir, Research Fellow at the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, and Dmitry Vetrov, Professor at the HSE Faculty of Computer Science.
Science. Technology. Innovation: 2020
This pocket data book contains the main S&T and innovation indicators for the Russian Federation. The publication includes the most recent statistical data on R&D input and output, as well as international comparisons.
Science. Technology. Innovation: 2019
The pocket data book contains main indicators characterising S&T and innovation potential of the Russian Federation. There are the information about intellectual property, S&T output, data of international comparisons given.
Accent on Platform Solutions
Participants of the workshop 'The Future of Science and Technology in BRICS Countries: Challenges and Responses', the closing event of the 8th HSE Foresight Conference, shared the five countries’ experience of promoting research cooperation and the results of joint foresight studies.
Creators of the Future: #foresight4EU
On June 4–5, 2018, the main European foresight conference — FTA2018 conference was held in Brussels. Future in the making #foresight4EU. It was organised by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, which has a long history of partnership with the HSE ISSEK Foresight Centre. The staff of the centre Alexander Sokolov, Alexander Chulok, Sergey Shashnov, Ozcan Saritas and Maxim Kotsemir took part in the event.
Trends in the Development of the Internet in Russia
The analytical report prepared by the NRU HSE ISSEK on the request of the Coordination Center for TLD RU presents the main results of a comprehensive study of the Internet development trends, transformational changes that take place in the economy, social area, and everyday life influenced by network technologies, assessment of the level of online technologies in Russia in comparison with foreign countries; regional comparisons are provided as well.
Information Society Indicators in the Russian Federation: 2016
This data book continues the series of annual publications by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE ISSEK). It presents statistical data on ICT infrastructure, activities of ICT sector enterprises, IT industry enterprises and content and media sector enterprises. It also presents indicators of ICT usage by enterprises, households, and individuals. Special sections contain international comparison.
Science and Technology Indicators in the Russian Federation: 2016
The present data book is another one in the series of publications, dedicated to different aspects of scientific development in the Russian Federation. It begins with tables, where together with the main science and technology indicators there are data concerning the main innovative activities.