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Petr Arseyev
- Professor: Faculty of Mathematics / Joint Department with The Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Petr Arseyev has been at HSE University since 2014.
Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lomonosov Moscow State University
* Doctor of Sciences
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Courses (2023/2024)
- Classical Field Theory (Optional course (faculty); 3, 4 module)Rus
- Mathematics of Physical Phenomena (Optional course (faculty); 3, 4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Mathematical Physics 1" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Mathematical Physics 1" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Mathematical Physics 1" (Optional course (faculty); 1, 2 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Mathematical Physics 2" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 2 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Mathematical Physics 2" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Mathematical Physics 2" (Optional course (faculty); 3, 4 module)Rus
Editorial board membership
1998: Member of the Editorial Board , Природа.
1994: Member of the Editorial Board , Успехи физических наук (Physics-Uspekhi).