Anna A. Zudina
- Research Fellow: Centre for Labour Market Studies
- Assistant Professor: Faculty of Economic Sciences / Department of Applied Economics
- Anna A. Zudina has been at HSE University since 2010.
Education and Degrees
HSE University, Sociology
HSE University
HSE University, Sociology
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Awards and Accomplishments
Winner of the HSE University Best Russian Research Paper Competition – 2021
Courses (2024/2025)
- Economics of Social Problems (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Economics of Social Problems (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Economics of Social Problems (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Economics of Social Problems (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Economics of Social Problems (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Informal Economy and Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Russia (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Political Science; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
Courses (2020/2021)
- Economics of Social Problems (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Informal Economy and Entrepreneurship in Contemporary Russia (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Political Science; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
- Research Project Seminar (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Economic Sciences; 1-3 module)Rus
- 2013
Transitions in Work and Labour Markets – Challenges for transnational cooperation (Тампере). Presentation: Where does informal employment lead? Subjective social status approach
Между трудом и досугом: к новой "экономии спасения"? (Москва). Presentation: Formal and informal workers on the Russian labour market: comparative analysis of subjective social status
2011. The impact of informal employment on the subjective social status. Conference "Economical and political transformation - 20 years after". Budapest. Department of Economics. Corvinus University.
2011. Informal Sector in Russian Economy: its dynamics, structure and determinants. XII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, 4 NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow, “Labour markets” section, 7th April 2011.
2012. Informal employment and subjective social status: new insights into Russian labour market functioning. Conference "Embeddedness and Beyond: Do Sociological Theories meet Economic Realities". NRU HSE, Moscow. Session "Market society and moral order".
2013. Do informal workers make an underclass? Analysis of the subjective social status. VII Yuri Levada Memorable Conference “Contemporary Russian society and sociology”, Sociology Department, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 20th April 2012.
2013. Informal employment and subjective social status: the case of Russia. XIV April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow. "Labour markets and Demography” section. 4th April 2013.
2013. Do informal workers make an underclass? Analysis of the subjective social status. 1st International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference. Moscow, NRU HSE. Session "Incomes and inequlity",18th May 2013.
2013. Where does informal employment lead? Subjective social status approach. Finno-Russian seminar for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers "Transitions in Work and Labour Markets – Challenges for transnational cooperation". Tampere. University of Tampere, 6-7 November 2013.
2013. Formal and informal workers on the Russian labour market: comparative analysis of subjective social status. International conference “Between Labour and Leisure: towards “new economy” of salvation?” NRU HSE, Moscow, 26-27th November 2013.
2015.Do Informal Workers Make An Underclass? An Analysis Of Subjective Social Status. Freie University of Berlin PhD seminar. XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, NRU HSE, Moscow, 8th April 2015.
2015. Job Loss: Occupational differences in subjective social status dynamics. 2nd International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference. Moscow, NRU HSE. Session "State-society Relationships". 22d May 2015.
2017. What Lies Beneath “Average” Level of Subjective Indicators? Trajectories of Self-Evaluations in Russia in 2000-2014. 3rd International RLMS-HSE User Conference. Moscow, NRU HSE. Session "Subjective Well-Being and Attitudes". 20th May 2017.
2018. What Makes Youth Become NEET? The Evidence from Russian LFS. IX International Russian Higher Education Conference (RHEC) "Universities in Search of a Balance between New and Familiar Goals". Moscow, NRU HSE. Session "Returns on Investment in Education: Differences in Salaries and Trajectories – 2". 24-25th October 2018.
2019. The Pathways of NEET Youth in Russia: Evidence from RLMS-HSE in 2006-2017. 3rd International RLMS-HSE User Conference. Moscow, NRU HSE. Session "Education". 25th May 2019.
2022. Non-Cognitive Skills of NEET youth: the case of Russia. XIII International Conference on Higher Education (ICHE) "‘New Educational Outcomes for Well-Being and Success’". Moscow, HSE University. Session "Evaluation of new educational outcomes in universities –1". 25th October 2022.
2023. Informal employment in Russia in 2011-2020: scale, dynamics and structure before and after COVID-19 pandemic. XXIV Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. Moscow, HSE University. Session "Employment and unemployment". 5th April 2023.
2023. Informal Employment of Russian Workers before and after COVID-19 Pandemic. 6th International RLMS-HSE User Conference. Moscow, HSE University. Session "Labor Market". 26th May 2023.
Employment history
2008. Internship in ZIRCON Research Group.
2009-2010. Teaching assistant, Department of Sociology, HSE University.
2010 - present. Researcher at the Centre for Labour Market Studies.
2016 - present. Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Economics, HSE University.
Research projects
Research project “The Monitoring of Financial Activities of Russian population”, ZIRCON Research group, January-March 2008.
Marketing project, Centre for Corporate Consulting “Business League”, July 2008 – August 2008.
Research project “People XXI”, Public Opinion Fund, July-August 2009.
Research project "Informality on the Russian labour market". Centre for Labour Market Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, May 2010 - October 2013.
Research project "Mobility and Stability on the Russian labour market", Centre for Labour Market Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, October 2013 - December 2015.
Research project "Demographic processes on the Russian labour market", Centre for Labour Market Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, January 2016 - December 2018.
Research project "Human capital on the Russian labour market", Centre for Labour Market Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, January 2019 - present.
TV appearances
"Black Holes. Blank Spots", "Culture" TV-channel. Theme - Social construction and public representation of the image of scientist in Soviet cinema. In three parts.
Part 1 24 September 2015
Part 2 15 October 2015
Part 3 5 November 2015
Online-conference "Social and non-cognitive skills and labour market"
Online-conference "Social and non-cognitive skills and labour market", organized within the framework of the HSE Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre, was held on September, 22, 2022.
New paper by Anna Zudina is published in Journal of Youth Studies
New paper by CLMS Research Fellow Anna Zudina "What makes youth become NEET? Evidence from Russia" is published in Journal of Youth Studies.
HSE University Experts Analysed How Personality Affects Earnings and Career Outcomes
Openness, friendliness, tenacity, motivation, risk-taking, self-control and other non-cognitive components of human capital can be important determinants of earnings. And parental investment in their children’s non-cognitive skills affects their future academic and career success. This is set out in the work of HSE University’s Centre for Labour Market Studies (CLMS).
The Russian Labour Market Through the Prizm of Demography
The Higher School of Economics Publishing House presents the new book by the CLMS "The Russian Labour Market Through the Prizm of Demography" edited by CLMS Director Vladimir Gimpelson and CLMS Deputy Director Rostislav Kapeliushnikov.
A Strong-Willed Population
How Russians’ personal qualities influence their income level
Avoid Paying So People Work
The idea behind unemployment benefits
4th International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference
The CLMS members participated in 4th International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference which was held in Moscow on 24-25 May 2019 at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) and sponsored by Higher School of Economics, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Research Center “Demoscope” and Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
IX International Russian Higher Education Conference (RHEC) "Universities in Search of a Balance between New and Familiar Goals"
Anna Zudina, Research fellow of CLMS HSE, presented her research at the IX International Russian Higher Education Conference (RHEC) "Universities in Search of a Balance between New and Familiar Goals". The title of the paper - "What Makes Youth Become NEET? The Evidence from Russian LFS".
2nd IZA/HSE Workshop: Ten Years after the Financial Crisis - Labor Market Adjustment in Emerging and Post-Transition Economies
2nd IZA/HSE Workshop: Ten Years after the Financial Crisis - Labor Market Adjustment in Emerging and Post-Transition Economies was held in Moscow 11-12th October. Participants presented the results of studies dedicated to the analysis of labor market issues in post-transition and emerging economies. A special focus was on the process of labor market adjustment in the aftermath of the Great Recession and its consequences.
XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
CLMS members participated in XIX April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development which was held 10-13 April in NRU HSE in Moscow.
CLMS members won the Golden HSE Award for 'Best book'
This prize is awarded to HSE staff who’ve authored the best books and textbooks while working at the University.
Golden HSE Award was bestowed to all members of the Centre for Labour Market Studies - Vladimir Gimpelson, Rostislav Kapeliushnikov, Nina Vishnevskaya, Anna Lukiyanova, Aleksey Oshchepkov, Anna Zudina, Anna Sharunina, Evgenia Chernina.
CLMS members were nominated for 5 monoghaphs published in 2006-2017 that were dedicated to the comprehensive analysis of Russian labour market.
New HSE Working Paper in the Basic Research Program Series 'Economics'
The new working paper by CLMS Research Fellow Anna Zudina 'What makes youth become NEET? The evidence from Russian LFS' was published in the HSE Working Paper Series 'Economics' by the Basic Research Program .
Why Young People Can’t Find Jobs
Almost two million Russians aged 15 to 24 don’t study or work.
3d International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference
The CLMS members participated in 3d International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference which was held in Moscow on 19-20 May 2017 at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) with the support of Research Center “Demoscope”, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill.
XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
The CLMS members participated in XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development
is the mere share of people who have left their jobs and for a certain period of time did not look for new work but who later returned to the formal labour market.
Two-hundredth Working Paper Published
A working paper is a form of preliminary publication that makes it possible to quickly present for discussion among the academic community the results of the latest research. On September 5, the HSE Basic Research Programme issued its 200th working paper.