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Irina Arkhangelskaya
- Irina Arkhangelskaya has been at HSE University since 2016.
Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Doctor of Sciences
*Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Candidate of Sciences
* (PhD)
Gorky State Teacher Training Institute in Nizhny Novgorod
N.A. Dobrolyubov Gorky State Teacher Training Institute of Foreign Languages
* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
* Doctor of Sciences
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Membership in professional organizations
Member of Russian Society of American Culture Studies since 1995
• Member of Russian Association for Canadian Studies since 2007
• Member of European Association of American Studies (EAAS) since 1999
• Representative of Russian Federation in EAAS (2013 - 2015)
• Diploma of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast governor for good work and achievements in science (2010)
• Honorary gramota of the RF Ministry of Education for good work and achievements in science (2010)
Intermedial comparativism (28 hrs), Bachelor degree students, 4th course. Major "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics".
Regional Promotion (8 hours) - a small course for students of Magister's Program "Global Business" (in English)
Reviewing scolarly papers
Reviewer of schorlarly papers for International Journal of Communication since 2016.
Employment history
09.2019 - current
07.16 - 09.2019
professor, department of Literature and Intercultural communications, Higher School of Economics- Nizhny Novgorod
Head, International Relations Department, professor, department of Literature and Intercultural communications, Higher School of Economics- Nizhny Novgorod
01.13 – 07.16
Professor, Department of Political Theory and Communications, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
Courses taught:
- Theory and Practice of Mass Communications (graduate course for Magister Degree students)
- Theory and practice of Public Relations (all levels)
- Advertising (Bachelor level)
- International Public Relations campaigns (graduate course for Magister degree students)
- Basics of Integrated Communications
- Media Planning (special course)
09.99 – 01.13
- Chair, Public Relations Department (since 02.2005 – 12.2012),
- Dotzent (199 – 2009), Professor (2009),
- Head of Magisters’ Program Public Relations Management (since 09. 2008), Nizhny Novgorod State Institute of Commerce (now Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod).
- Deputy Chair, Department of Management and Marketing (2002 – 2005).
Nizhny Novgorod State Institute of Commerce.
01.95 - 09.99
Dotzent, Advanced School of General and Applied Physics, Department of History, International Relations and Political Science. N. Novgorod State University. Courses taught: American Government and Politics, American Studies, English.
09.96 - 06.98
CEP Eastern Scholar. Subjects taught: American Government and Politics, American Studies. Department of History, International Relations and Political Science. N. Novgorod State University.
02.82 – 01.95
Assistant professor. Department of Foreign languages. Courses taught: English language. N. Novgorod Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering