Maria Kasian
- Tutor, Visiting Lecturer: Faculty of Humanities / Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies
- Maria Kasian has been at HSE University since 2018.
- Language Proficiency
- French
- English
- German
- Аncient Greek
- Latin
- Contacts
- Phone:
23170 - Address: 21/4 Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, Building 3, room Л-214
- SPIN-RSCI: 5990-0953
- ORCID: 0000-0003-0128-4722
- ResearcherID: S-6804-2018
- Google Scholar
- Supervisors
- V. Mostovaya
- I. Smirnov
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Lomonosov Moscow State University
Courses (2024/2025)
- Latin Language and Authors (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology, History; 3 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Latin Language and Authors (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology, History; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Latin Language and Authors (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 3 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Latin Language and Authors (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 4 year, 1-3 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Latin Language and Authors (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 3 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Latin Language and Authors (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study History; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Latin Language and Authors (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology; 3 year, 1-4 module)Eng
Employment history
1959-1969 school n. 710 (Moscow), specialized in literatury.
1969-1974 studies of Classic Philology in the Faculty of Philology at the M.Lomonosov State University of Moscow. Graduated in Russia in 1974. Thesis on «Some questions of the structure of the 'Cena Trimalchionis' in 'Satyricon' of Petronius», supervised by prof. Klara P. Polonskaia
1974-1983 worked in the Institute of Russian Language (Russian Academy of Sciences) with the texts of old- and middle-greek authors for «The Old-Russian Dictionary, XI-XIV cc.»
1983-2002 completed (collaborated with I. Bondarev and S.Kasian) and prepared for edition the «Symphonia (Concordance) to Russian Synodal Translation of the Holy Scripture Old and New Testaments (with elements of an encyclopedic dictionary, including old-greek, latin and church-slavonic parallels)» for the Moscow Patriarchia's Publishing House (vol. 1,2,3 are published in Moscow, edition is continuing).
1995-2002 member of editorial board of orthodox periodical magazine «Alpha and Omega» (chef-editor M.Zjurinskaia) in Moscow.
1995-2003 the senior teacher of Institute of Linguistics (Chair of Ancient Languages) in Russian State University of Humanities (RSUH) in Moscow.
1998-2002 the senior teacher in Russian Orthodox University in Moscow (Department of Philology).
2003-2018 the senior teacher of The Department of Classical Philology in The Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies.
1975-1979 courses in Latin at the the Faculty of History at the M.Lomonosov State University of Moscow.
1980-1981 course in Old-Greek for the doctoral students of Institute of Russian Language in Moscow.
1982-1994 lessons in Old-Greek and Latin (freelance).
1994-2015 course in Ancient Literature in the Institute of the countries of Asia and Africa (M.Lomonosov State University of Moscow).
1999-2018 courses and special courses in Latin and Old-Greek for the students of Russian State University of Humanities (RSUH) in Moscow.
1999-2002 courses and special courses in Latin (classic and late period) for the students of Russian Orthodox University in Moscow (Department of Philology).