Anna Sergeevna Dupan
- Director: Faculty of Law / Institute of Legal Regulation
- Anna Sergeevna Dupan has been at HSE University since 2005.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Contacts
- Phone:
22337 - Address: 4 Slavyanskaya Ploshchad, Building 2, room 504
- ORCID: 0000-0002-5459-6431
- ResearcherID: M-8278-2016
- Scopus AuthorID: 57191723972
- Supervisors
- V. Vinogradov
- L. Gokhberg
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Education and Degrees
Lomonosov Moscow State University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
PPP in the IT sector: mechanisms of interaction and legislative regulation
On 8 February, the State Duma Committee for Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations held a roundtable discussion, titled "Legislation on Public-Private Partnership in information and communication technologies: issues for regulation". The session involved state deputies, representatives from public departments and public organisations, plus representatives from the specialist, scientific and business communities, including NRU HSE Vice Rector Andrey Zhulin and IPAM NRU HSE Deputy Director Vladimir Korolev.
Why Do We Need a New Alcohol Code?
Director of the HSE Institute of Legal Regulation explains the need for a separate regulation of alcohol production and trade.
Anna Dupan is awarded for her substantial contribution to legal research
Anna Dupan, director of HSE Institute of Legal Regulation, was recently recognized with an award from the rector of HSE, Yaroslav I. Kuzminov, for substantial contribution to the development of applied legal studies of the HSE.
The Alcoholic Beverages Market is Expecting New Rules
On January 14, 2017 Anna Dupan, director of HSE Institute of Legal Regulation, took part in a Gaidar Forum panel discussion on the "Regulatory Options of the Alcohol Market and Their Socio-Economic effects".
Special Investment Contract Should Increase Investment Appeal of Russian Regions
On December, 6, 2016 Anna Dupan, director of HSE Institute of Legal Regulation, took part in the meeting of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation with representatives of the Association of European Businesses (AEB). The meeting focused on the innovation that should attract additional investments to our country– Special Investment Contract (SPIC).
Introducing new incentives for foreign manufacturers in Russia
On November, 15, 2016 Anna Dupan, director of HSE Institute of Legal Regulation, took part in the conference of the Russian Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs on the development and implementation of new incentives for foreign manufacturers – Special Investment Contract (SPIC), the localization of production, and overall government support of business in Russia.
Russia Is Looking For Investors Among The Pharmaceutical Companies
The government took another step to encourage investment through public procurement. Rossiyskaya Gazeta Russian newspaper published an article by Anna Dupan, Director of the HSE Institute of Legal Regulation.
Can You Trust The Transboundary Trust Space
The HSE Institute of Legal Regulation participated in the drafting of the UNCITRAL Convention on the Transboundary Trust Space in cross-border electronic interaction, which became an Annex to the Compendium of Materials for Transboundary Trust Space.
Open data: new opportunities and new problems
On 16 February the NRU HSE hosted a meeting on how to improve legislation as regards access to public information. The meeting was attended by Russian Minister for Open Government Mikhail ABYZOV and discussion moderators were Director of IPAMM’s Centre for Analysis of the Operations of Executive Authorities Andrei ZHULIN and IPAMM Director and HSE NRU Vice Rector Andrei KLIMENKO.