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Maria Kravtsova

    • Maria Kravtsova has been at HSE University since 2010.


    Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

    September, 29 – October, 10, 2015. Volkswagen Summer School "Governance, Markets and Institutions: Russia and Germany Compared".

    June, 29 – July, 12, 2014. 4th Summer School of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research “Categorical Data Analysis”. Keynote lecturer: Jacques Hagenaars (Tilburg University, The Netherlands).

    October, 4 – November, 25, 2012Internship in University of Durham, School for Applied Social Sciences.

    July, 23 – August, 4, 2012Essex University Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis. Courses: "Мathematics for Social Scientists", "Multivariate Regression Analysis".

    July, 1 – July, 14, 2012. 2nd Summer School of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research "Confirmatory Factor Analysis and SEM". Lecturer Prof. Dr. Peter Schmidt (University of Giessen).

    August, 22 – September, 2, 2011. 1st Summer School of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research "Multilevel Analysis in Comparative Studies". Lecturer Dr. H. Duelmer (University of Cologne).

    2009-2010Training course in Social Theory, Economic Sociology, Methods of Sociological Data Analysis, Higher School of Economics (8 months).