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Address: 3 Krivokolenny Pereulok, room 219
Office hours
A. Shestakova
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Polina Polukhina

    • Polina Polukhina has been at HSE University since 2024.
    Language Proficiency
    Address: 3 Krivokolenny Pereulok, room 219
    Office hours
    A. Shestakova
    Printable version

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    Highlight it, click Ctrl+Enter and send us a message. Thank you for your help!
    To be used only for spelling or punctuation mistakes.


    • Responsible for filling in the information of the department's page on the HSE portal;
    • Controls the filling in of personal pages of employees of the Centre for Cognition & Decision Making on the HSE portal;
    • Responsible for monitoring the expenditure of funds under the HSE Centers of Excellence project (PHOT and Mobility);
    • Prepares reporting materials within the framework of the rules established by regulatory documents for the implementation of the HSE Centers of Excellence project, as well as requests from the Center for the Development of Advanced Scientific Research (hereinafter referred to as the Center), etc.;
    • Informs and advises employees of the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making on the rules for business trips and related financial and substantive reports;
    • Promptly informs managers and participants of the HSE Centers of Excellence project about received assignments and news;
    • Communicates with the Center and other administrative divisions, promotes their activities;
    • Supervises the recruitment process of employees of the HSE Centre for Cognition & Decision Making, resolves issues arising during the admission process, and promptly informs the Center and the Personnel Department about changes;
    • Organizes regular scientific events, international scientific conferences/seminars/symposiums, etc.
    • Conducts procurement procedures for the HSE Centers of Excellence project in accordance with the established deadlines.with a purchase plan;
    • Responsible for the preparation of contracts with legal entities and individuals concluded within the framework of the HSE Centers of Excellence project, supervises their timely payment and provision of reporting materials to the Center and other structural units;
    • Forms and timely submits to the Personnel Management a timesheet of employees of the division;
    • Monitors the actual time of stay of employees of its division, and promptly provides the Personnel Management with a report card containing reliable information about the time worked and absences of employees of the division.


    HSE University

    Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

    2024 Advanced training Course: "Application of generative artificial intelligence to solve routine tasks", HSE

    2023 Advanced training Course: "Legal foundations of public communications of HSE employees: case studies and legal requirements", HSE