Maria Denisova
- Tutor, Visiting Lecturer: Faculty of Humanities / Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies
- Head: Faculty of Humanities / Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies / Curriculum Support Unit
- Programme Manager: Classical and Oriental Archaeology, Classical and Modern Orient: Languages, Cultures, Religions, Muslim Worlds in Russia (History and Culture), The Arab World: Language, Literature, Culture, Assyriology: Languages and History of Ancient Mesopotamia, Biblical Studies and History of Ancient Israel, Egyptology, Mongolia and Tibet, Turkey and the Turkic World, Christian Orient, Ethiopia and the Arab World, Southeast Asia: Languages, History, Cultures, Indian Languages and Literature, Language and Literature of Iran, Chinese Language, Literature and Culture, Korean Language, Literature, and Culture, Japan: Language, History, Literature, Culture
- Maria Denisova has been at HSE University since 2019.
Master'sRussian State University for the Humanities
Bachelor'sRussian State University for the Humanities