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Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Degree Lomonosov Moscow State University
* Candidate of Sciences According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Теория функций, теория операторов и квантовая теория информации (Уфа). Presentation: О нелинейных задачах Канторовича оптимальной транспортировки мер
Математическая физика, динамические системы, бесконечномерный анализ (Долгопрудный). Presentation: Kantorovich optimal transportation problems with a parameter
Second Russian-Hungarian Combinatorial Workshop (Будапешт). Presentation: Zero-one k-law for random uniform hypergraphs
Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata (Берлин). Presentation: Non-convergence in existential monadic second order logic of random graphs