Ekaterina Reshetova
- Senior Research Fellow: Faculty of Urban and Regional Development / Institute for Transport Economics and Transport Policy Studies / Centre for Transport Economics
- Ekaterina Reshetova has been at HSE University since 2012.
Education and Degrees
Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience
Internship program "Road Infrastructure Maintenance and use of Intelligent transportation systems in road traffic regulation", 22 February - 2 March 2013, the USA, California.
Conferences, reports
1. Moscow Transport Russian-Japanese Seminar, March, 2012, Moscow.
2. The Vth International Conference "Development of innovative technologies and materials in the road sector", November, 2012, St. Petersburg. Report "The Role of PPPs in the development of the road network of the Russian Federation - the current trends and future forms of application".
3. The VIth All-Russian conference "Actual problems of designing roads and road constructions, March, 2013, St. Petersburg. Report "The rational structure of the road network in metropolises."
4. The Xth Federal Investment Forum, November, 2013, Moscow. Report: "Public-private partnership: national experience of implementing and promising forms of application."
5. The Round table "Possibilities to use LCC mechanisms for toll road construction projects", Moscow.
6. The VIIIth Annual International Congress "Open Russia: Investments in the regions as a factor of economic growth", March, 2014, Moscow. Report: "Optimization of government spending and the involvement of private sources of funding for transport infrastructure development".
7. The VIIth All-Russian conference "Actual problems of designing roads and rad constructions, March, 2014, St. Petersburg. Report: "The regulation of vehicles parking: background, international experience, the basic institutions."
8. The Forum "What will give a new impetus to the Russian economy? Investments in infrastructure projects ", March, 2014, Moscow. Report: "The efficiency of the transport sector as a necessary condition for the development of the Russian economy."
9. Roundtable "Avtodor", "High-speed toll roads: international experience and Russian practice", March, 2014, Moscow. Report: "Analysis of the value of time indicator for determination of the fares for urban high-speed highway, Moscow case ."
10. The Xth Anniversary International Conference PTV technologies users «Transport models. ITS. Safety", April, 2014, Kazan. Report: "ITS and road pricing".
11. Summer Session of the 6th Annual Forum "Future St. Petersburg", May, 2014, St. Petersburg. Report: "Transport system Development in the modern metropolis. Public spending Optimization."
12. The presentations and participating in a working group of Open Government for improvement of road network in the Russian Federation in terms of improving the system of pricing, bidding, engineering of roads, in December 2014 - March 2015.
13. Conference "Innovative procurement", April, 2015, Moscow. Section "Transport infrastructure and communication"-moderator.
14. The presentations and participate in the working group by the FDA "Rosavtodor" connected with development and implementation of a priority measures plan to ensure the sustainable development and social stability in 2015 in the road sector, March 2015.
15. The IIIrd International road infrastructure investors and operators forum, March, 2015 Sochi. Report: "The Best Russian Practices of private investment in the Road Infrastructure construction".
16. The Council of Federation Committee on the Economic Policy, March, 2015, Moscow. Report: "Prices in Road Construction: engineering facts and media legends."
17. The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation hearings on "Practical implementation of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of road transportation of oversized and heavy cargo", July, 2015
18. The VIIIth International Conference "Development of innovative technologies and materials in the road sector", November, 2015, Saint-Petersburg. Report: "The cost of road construction: foreign experience and the Russian practice."
Supervisor of the following Doctoral theses
- 1
1. An oficial opponent on Lisichenko Andrey thesis "Tax component of funding road construction in Russia", presented for the degree of candidate of economic sciences in the dissertation council D 505.001.08 on specialty 08.00.10 - Finance, currency and credit (economic sciences). April 2015
2. An oficial opponent on Shitikov Dmitry thesis "Management of road construction investment projects on the basis of modeling public-private partnership forms", presented for the degree of candidate of economic sciences on specialty 08.00.05 - Economy and management of national economy: the economy, the organization and management of enterprises, sectors of the complex (construction), June 2015
Publications (English)
1. Reshetova EM. Evaluation of the toll road tariff influence on the efficiency of the investment project // Industrial and civil construction. 2011. № 11. C. 81-83.
2. Reshetova EM. Motorization and urban development strategy: international experience and Russian reality the case of Moscow. M.: Publisher INGN 2011.
3. Reshetova EM. PPP attractiveness for investors // Creator. 2012. pp 15-16.
4. Reshetova EM. Russian practice of public-private partnership: 20 years later // Power Road. 2012. № 44. C. 24-27.
5. Reshetova EM. The cost of building a road kilometer in Russia. Is the price realistic? // Building newspaper, the Russian Federation. 2013. № 9 (10228). S. 10-12.
6. Reshetova EM. The question of the rational structure of the road network in megacities // Power Road. 2013. № 44/2013. S. 32-35.
7. Reshetova EM. Arranging road traffic // "Your road / MAKE ROADS SAFE" - society, a person, a car. 2013. № 6 (36). S. 26-29.
8. Reshetova EM. Main conditions for the development of the road network in Russia // Economics construction. 2013. № 4 (22). S. 12-14.
9. Blinkin MJ, Reshetova EM. Road safety: background, international experience, the basic institutions. Moscow: Publishing House of HSE 2013.
10. Reshetova EM. Analysis of the basic factors and parameters that determine the feasibility of toll road construction. Moscow: Russian University of Economics named after GV Plekhanov, 2013.
11. Reshetova EM. What will give impetus to the Russian economy. Investments in infrastructure projects. [BI] 2014.
12. Reshetova EM. Transport infrastructure: private funding and investments // ROADS. Innovations in construction. 2014. April. S. 8-13.
13. Reshetova EM. How much Russian roads cost? // RBC daily. 2014.
14. Reshetova EM How much Russian roads cost? // Securities market. Number 2014. The April 2014 pp 64-67.
15. Reshetova EM. How much should be parking tariffs in Moscow? // RBC daily. 2014. № 01.08.2014.
16. Reshetova EM. Extension mechanisms for private funding sources usage and encourage investments in transport infrastructure // ROADS. Innovations in construction. № 2014. 36 April. S. 6-11.
17. Reshetova EM. Is it possible to run mass karshering in the Moscow? // RBC dayli. 2014. № 27/11/2014.
18. Reshetova EM. Prospects of road infrastructure development in Moscow on the basis of public-private partnership // Management of economic systems: electronic scientific journal. 2014. № 12.
19. Reshetova EM. Yet they are safer! // "Your road / MAKE ROADS SAFE" - society cheovek car .. 2014. № 1 (37). S. 58-59.
20. Reshetova EM. Analysis of value of time index in order to determine the toll road tariffs, the case of Moscow // Transport of the Russian Federation. 2014. № 2 (51) 2014 S. 30-33.
21. Reshetova EM. Comparison of road construction costs in Russia and in other countries of the world // Economy. Taxes. Right. 2015. № 4/2015. Pp. 118-124.
22. Reshetova EM. Toll roads: the barriers for development // Forbes. 2015. № 28.10.2015.
23. Reshetova EM. About parking fees and charges // Urban reportage, Russia. 2015. № 5. C. 72-75.
24. Reshetova EM. Mechanisms for road infrastructure financing in Russia and in the world: the history of development, current status and global best practices / Sci. Ed .: M. Ya Blinkin. Moscow: Publishing House of HSE 2015.
25. Kochneva EO, Reshetova EM. Alternative sources of urban transport systems funding // Economy and Entrepreneurship. Number 2015. 9 (1). Pp 407-412.
26. Plaksin S. Kondrashov A. Yastrebova EV, Reshetova EM. Krupensky NA. Pros and cons of the implementation of intelligent transport systems in the toll plaza in Russia / preprints of the National Research University "Higher School of Economics." Series RG BKO "Basic Research Program". 2015. For the number 02 / URB / 2015.
27. Sokolov AV, Markova NS, Gutaruk EV, LM Hochberg, Saritas O. Sokolov AV, A Stocking. A. Kuzmin JF, Saygitov RT, Bakhtin PD, Jaroslavtsev AB, Osmolovsky A., Matić Lili, Reshetova EM, O Queen, Zhukov E. , V. Sokolsky, Akimov V. Kornilov, A., E. Merkulova, Kiseleva LA, NV Zaleski, Efimenko V. Global technological trends / Pod Society. Ed .: L. Hochberg, O. Saritas, AV Sokolov, AV Sokolov. Moscow: Higher School of Economics, 2016.
1. A member of Expert Working Group on the analysis of the effectiveness of federal spending and optimization proposals in the formation of the federal budget for 2014 and the planning period of 2015
2. Head of scientific work on the theme: "Development Strategy of the State Company" Russian Highways "until year 2030".
Additional information
- A Member of the expert working group on the analysis of the effectiveness of federal spending for the year 2014 and the planning period of 2015.
- A Member of the Coordinating Council in the State Duma Committee on Transport connected with improving the theory and practice of road complex regulation in order to increase the availability, quality and safety of road transport services.
- An Assistant of a member of Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Mr Blinkin.
- A member of the Public Council of the FRA "Rosavtodor".
Top 15. HSE's Most Interesting Research in 2015
Public misperceptions of inequality; Sanctions hit the best companies; How high is mortality in Russia?; How the type of university affects graduates' salaries; What national pride means; Muslims sharing a Protestant ethic; Economic inactivity among Russians; Russian travellers reluctant to book hotels online; The right to be forgotten; and Analysts can be wrong – these were the HSE's most interesting research papers in 2015, according to Opec.ru.