Martin G. Gilman
- Martin G. Gilman has been at HSE University since 2005.
Education and Degrees
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Economics and Political Science
Ph. D. in Economics (London School of Economics, 1981)
M. Sc. (Econ.) (London School of Economics, 1972)
Certificate of International Studies (Bologna Center, School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, 1971)
B.S. (Econ.) (Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, 1970)
B. A. in Political Science (University of Pennsylvania, 1970), including studies at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris, 1968-69
Courses (2024/2025)
- Global Economic Policies under Fat Tail Risks (Bachelor field of study Economics; 3 year, 3 module)Eng
- Global Economic Policies under Fat Tail Risks (Bachelor field of study Economics; 4 year, 3 module)Eng
- Global Economic Policies under Fat Tail Risks (Bachelor field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science, Economics; 3 year, 3 module)Eng
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Tail Risks and Global Economic Policy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 3 module)Eng
- Tail Risks and Global Economic Policy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 3 year, 3 module)Eng
Courses (2022/2023)
- Tail Risks and Global Economic Policy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 2 module)Eng
- Tail Risks and Global Economic Policy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 3 year, 2 module)Eng
Courses (2021/2022)
- Tail Risks and Global Economic Policy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 2 module)Eng
- Tail Risks and Global Economic Policy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 3 year, 2 module)Eng
Courses (2020/2021)
- Applied International Economics - an Analysis of Current Issues (Optional course; 1, 2 module)Eng
Ph. D. in Economics (London School of Economics, 1981)
M. Sc. (Econ.) (London School of Economics, 1972)
Certificate of International Studies (Bologna Center, School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, 1971)
B.S. (Econ.) (Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, 1970)
B. A. in Political Science (University of Pennsylvania, 1970), including studies at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris, 1968-69
Martin Grant Gilman moved to Moscow in July 2005 to assume the post of Professor of Economics and Director of the newly created Centre for Advanced Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics ( He is also an independent director of Rosbank since May 2006 and comments regularly in the media on international economic issues of relevance to Russia.
His extensive experience with Russia began as one of the senior staff on the IMF’s Russia team, first commuting from Washington as adviser from the policy department on the negotiating mission from June 1993 with overall responsibility for the external sector policies, and then he moved to Russia in November 1996 as the director of the IMF’s Moscow Office.
Gilman worked for the International Monetary Fund for 24 years. In his last position (from July 2002), Gilman was assistant director in the IMF’s Policy Development and Review Department, responsible for official financing issues, including sovereign debt questions. In that capacity, he was also the IMF representative to the Paris Club, implemented the IMF’s policy on debt sustainability in the context of the Evian Approach, liaised with the Berne Union of export credit agencies, and had responsibility for the HIPC Initiative.
Earlier in his IMF career, he dealt with currency convertibility questions, reviews of economic adjustment programs in member countries and G-7 coordination. Before Russia, mission assignments included Armenia, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Georgia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Kenya, and Uganda.
Before joining the IMF, Gilman was an economist at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris from 1975 – 1981, working on the OECD liberalization codes, international financial markets, and direct investment issues, while completing his doctoral dissertation at the LSE. He also taught as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Paris/Sorbonne (in conjunction with the Institute of European Studies) from 1978-81 and was a research fellow at the University of Reading (U.K.) before joining the OECD.
- No precedent, No plan. Inside Russia's 1998 default, with a preface by Michel Camdessus, The MIT Press, 2011.
- Дефолт, которого могло не быть, Издательство Время, 2009.
- The Financing of Foreign Direct Investment, with a preface by Charles Kindleberger, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1981.
- Will the G-20 join the scrap-heap of history?, RSFA project, October 2011.
- The coming eclipse of the dollar: By default, not design, McKinsey, 12 January 2010.
- Russia's uncertain economic recovery, Brazilian journal, 11 September 2009.
- Budget spending creates uncertainty for economic recovery,, 10 September 2009.
- Stuck with inflation,, 26 April 2009.
- Toward and Around the Abyss: The Surprising Bounce Back of Russia Following the August 1998 Crash, American Chamber.
- Саммит «двадцатки»: новый Бреттон-Вудс? Россия в глобальной политике, 11 ноября 2008.
- Мир тонет, Россия выплывает, Россия в глобальной политике, 28 января 2008 г.;
- «Большая восьмерка» и интернационализация рубля, Мартин Гилман, Россия в глобальной политике, том 5, №3, май-июнь, 2007 г.
- Official Financing: Recent Developments and Selected Issues, IMF, 2004
- “Exchange Rate Policy and the IMF”, with David Burton, in Finance and Development, Washington, D. C., September 1991.
- “Heading for Currency Convertibility”, in Finance and Development, Washington D. C., September 1990.
- "Official Financing: Recent Developments and Selected Issues", International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, 2004
- “Russia’s Financial Integration into the World Economy”, Centre d’Etudes de Recherche Internationale, mimeo, Paris, May 1997.
Mass media:
Recent publications in mass media
- Economics and Politics Don't Mix, The Moscow Times, 14.12.2011
- Signs of an Island of Stability — for Now, The Moscow Times, 09.11.2011
- Если они не договорятся, Московские новости, 10.10.2011
- On Inflation, Russia Not Out of the Woods Yet, The Moscow Times, 14.09.2011
- BRICS : le nouveau G5 ? Le Courrier de Russie, 20.04.2011
- A New Member and More Problems for BRICS, The Moscow Times, 14.04.2011
- Кризис старшего возраста, Vremya novostei, 3.11.2010
- Непредсказуемый закат, Vremya novostei, 15.01.2010.
- A promising economic start to a new decade , The Moscow Times, 13.01.2010.
- Это был мыслитель-визионер, Время новостей, 17 декабря 2009.
- БРИК: почему Россия может стать "восходящей звездой",, 15 декабря 2009.
- Russia ’s uncertain economic recovery, The Brasilian Economy, Ocotber 2009.
- A New Wave of Privatization, Russian-Style, The Moscow Times, 14 October 2009.
- Перспективы: инфляция, курс рубля, нефть,, 11 September 2009.
- Building a Post-Crisis Economic Paradigm, The Moscow Times, 9 September 2009.
- Russia Ready to Invest $10Bln in IMF, The Moscow Times, 28 may 2009.
- Ruble Reserve Currency May Not Be So Crazy, The Moscow Times, 13 may 2009.
- A Few Economic Truths to Ease the Misery, The Moscow Times, 8 April 2009.
- Архитектура малых форм, Время новостей, 16 марта 2009 .
- Building a Tower of Babel at the G20 Summit, The Moscow Times, 12 March 2009.
- Few See Ruble Repeating the Magic of 1998, The Moscow Times, 24 February 2009.
- Fighting Inflation Needs to Be a Top Priority The Moscow Times, 11 February 2009.
- Financial Armageddon II Can Be Avoided, The Moscow Times, 10 декабря 2008.
- Рублю бросили якорь, Российская газета, 21 октября 2008.
- What Will Happen Next to the U.S. Dollar The Moscow Times, 8 октября 2008.
- Черно-белый понедельник, Российская газета, 20 августа 2008.
- Кризис не всегда плохо, Время новостей, 19 августа 2008.
- Помощь МВФ не помогла бы избежать дефолта 1998 года в России - экс-глава МВФ,, 19 августа 2008.
- Дефолт, которого могло не быть, 18 августа 2008.
- Россия и глобальная инфляция: непредвиденный кризис, Россия в глобальной политике, 19 апреля 2008.
- Predicting the End of the Commodity Bubble, The Moscow Times, 9 апреля 2008.
- "Official Financing: Recent Developments and Selected Issues", International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, 2004Tough Medicine Needed to Curb Inflation, The Moscow Times № 3841, 13 февраля 2008 г .
- Experts Are Divided On Ruble Trajectory, The Moscow Times, 6 February 2009.
- Well-Placed to Weather an Economic Storm, The Moscow Times № 3821, 17 января 2008 г .;
- Well-Placed to Weather an Economic Storm, The Moscow Times №3821, 17 января 2008 г .;
- Caught in the Crosshairs of the U.S. Dollar, The Moscow Times № 3805. Page 9, 12 декабря 2007 г .;
- Becoming a Motor of the Global Economy, The Moscow Times, 15 ноября 2007 г .;
- Когда доллары пахнут нефтью. Почему Запад боится иностранных государственных инвестиций?, Время Новостей №208, 14 ноября 2007
- Raising New Doubts About State Capitalism, The Moscow Times №3761, 10 октября 2007 г .;
- Paying the Price for the End of Complacency, The Moscow Times №, 20 сентября 2007 г .;
- Формула успеха для МВФ, Время новостей № 158, 3 сентября 2007 г.;
- Deciding the IMF’s future, The Moscow Times №3732, 30 августа 2007 г .;
- О новой кандидатуре на пост главы Международного валютного фонда, Интервью для телеканала Russia Today Arabic, 24 августа 2007
- Суверенный директорат, РБК Журнал, 2 июля 2007 г.;
- Ignatyev Between a Ruble and a Hard Place, The Moscow Times № 3662, 23 мая 2007 г .;
- Доллар: закат близок? Время новостей, №79, 11 мая 2007 г.;
- Пресс-конференция РИА Новости «Россия в Международном валютном фонде: 15 лет сотрудничества», 27 апреля 2007 г.;
- Памяти Милтона Фридмана. 16 ноября умер лауреат Нобелевской премии, Время новостей № 213, 20 ноября 2006 г.;
- Ruble Cuts Both Ways, The Moscow Times, 20 сентября 2006 г .;
- “An Homage to Milton Friedman”, Vremya Novostei, Moscow, November 20, 2006
- “Ruble Cuts Both Ways”, Moscow Times, September 20, 2006
- “Russia’s G-8 Financial Agenda”, Vremya Novostei, Moscow, Sept. 22, 2005
- “Why is the Central Bank Trying to Confuse Us?”, Vremya Novostei, Moscow, July 25, 2001
- “Do Russians Really Want to be Poor?”, Izvestia, Moscow, July 9, 2001
- "The Financing of Foreign Direct Investment", with preface by Charles Kindleberger, New York: St. Martin ’s Press, 1981.
- “Moving Toward a World of Convertibility”, in New Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War World, Roger Morgan et al., ed., London: Macmillan, and New ork: St Martin’s Press, 1993.
- "Россия в «большой восьмерке»: позиция по ключевым финансовым вопросам" (статья, перевод с англ.), Время новостей, Москва,№ от 22.09.2005.
- "Хотят ли русские быть бедными?" (статья, перевод с англ.), Известия,Москва, № от 09.07.2001.
- "Зачем Центробанк пытается нас запутать?" (статья, перевод с англ.), Время новостей, Москва,№ от 25.07.2001.
- “Moving Toward a World of Convertibility”, in New Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War World, Roger Morgan et al., ed., London: Macmillan, and New York: St Martin ’s Press, 1993.
- “Exchange Rate Policy and the IMF”, with David Burton, in Finance and Development, Washington, D. C., September 1991.
- "Heading for Currency Convertibility”, in Finance and Development, Washington D. C., September 1990.
Why Politicians Don't Listen to Economists: First Meeting of Economic Policy Club Takes Place at HSE University
Participants of the HSE Economic Policy Club discussed why politics often serves the interests of a small group of people to the detriment of the welfare of the majority of citizens, and also why the government ignores recommendations from economists. At the same time, economic policy always redistributes resources, and it isn’t possible to achieve the optimal solutions suggested by economic theory.
This Time is Different: Economic Policy Challenges in the time of COVID-19
An online panel discussion by economic experts will be hosted by ICEF on 3 June, 2020
We Forecast a Severe Global Recession
ICEF held a round table on Global Economy Challenges in 2020. Mr Thanassis Gontikas, Senior Vice-President of Edmond de Rothschild Bank (EdR) in Switzerland, was invited as a speaker.
'The Most Important Thing during a Time of Crisis is to Give People an Opportunity to Learn'
In an interview with RBC, Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics, speaks about the problems facing Russia’s economy, the Strategy 2020, the status of higher education and about the areas worth developing.
Tenure Track System: How it Works
The HSE was one of the first Russian universities that adopted the tenure track system, well-known in western universities. Vice Rector Konstantin Sonin and Martin Gilman, Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies, cast some light on how this system functions at the HSE in the April issue of the HSE Look.
Russian Universities Must Become More Attractive to Foreign Lecturers
On January 31, 2014, at the HSE, the first meeting took place of university representatives participating in the global competitiveness programme 5/100. The group discussed the problems of recruiting lecturers from the international labour market.
The IMF’s Message Is ‘Target What You Can Hit’
On September 28th 2011, Daniel Leigh and John Bluedorn, economists from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), presented the latest issue of the World Economic Outlook (forecasts and analysis) ‘Slowing growth, rising risks’ at the Higher School of Economics.