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Emil B. Ershov

2 сентября 1933 — 3 сентября 2014

    On September 3, 2014, Emil Ershov, tenured professor of HSE University, passed away at the age of 82.

    Professor Ershov was a renowned scholar of economics, a field which he began studying only after earning his candidate of sciences degree (equivalent to a PhD) in mechanics and mathematics from Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). He worked at the Scientific Research Economics Institute of the USSR State Planning Agency (Gosplan), after which he served as a Laboratory Head at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (CEMI) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1989 to 1993 he was the director of the Scientific Research Institute (NII) of the Russian State Statistics Service (Goscomstat). As a researcher, Professor Ershov was engaged in national economic analysis, modeling, and forecasting.

    Emil Borisovich Ershov joined the Higher School of Economics in 1995 and after just a year’s time became one of the first faculty members to receive tenure. However, he turned down offers of administrative leadership positions. He explained his decision to decline an appointment to the university management board, saying, ‘There is no position, including that of MSU Rector and Russian Academy of Sciences President, for which I would trade my current position as professor. I like working with students. I know their mores and enjoy them immensely.’ Professor Ershov supervised the Master’s Programme ‘Mathematical Methods in Economic Analysis’. In addition, he was a member of the research council of the economics department and of the university overall. The professor’s impeccable reputation made his opinions and input particularly valuable to his colleagues.

    In 2006 professor Ershov received a Golden HSE Award in the ‘Research Achievements’ category. In 2011, he received an HSE Medal of Honour of the 1st degree, and in 2013 he received a Golden Medal of Honour.

    HSE University deeply mourns his departure and extends our deep condolences to his relatives and friends.

    In the Memory of Emil Ershov

    From colleagues of the Centre of Development Institute, the Department of Statistics and Data Analysis, the Department of Applied Economics, the Department of Economics, as well as students and colleagues of the Department of Mathematical Economics and Econometrics

    On September 3, 2014, at the age of 82, renowned Russian scholar and HSE tenured professor Emil Borisovich Ershov passed away.

    Emil Borisovich began his academic career in 1959 at the Scientific Research Economics Institute of the USSR State Planning Agency (Gosplan) after receiving his PhD in mechanics and mathematics from Lomonosov Moscow State University. Within a short time, he became one of Russia’s leading experts in modeling inter-industry proportions. Professor Ershov’s work, dating back to the 1960s, became foundational in the field of inter-sectoral balances (input-output tables). He and a team of co-authors were awarded the USSR State Prize in 1968 for their advances in this field.

    Professor Ershov worked closely with then young economists Alexander Anchishkin and Yury Yaremenko first at the Scientific Economic Research Institute, and then at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute (CEMI) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where they developed a new methodology for macroeconomic forecasting. His unique development was an econometric model of intra-industry relationships, which he developed in collaboration with Yury Yaremenko and others in 1970s. Their model was the first of its kind in ‘input-output’ model research worldwide.

    Emil Ershov made significant contributions to the development of economic and mathematical research in Russia while working as CEMI Deputy Head and then as Deputy Director of the Institute for Forecasting of Scientific and Technological Progress of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where his talent as an administrator was clearly manifested. During this time, Emil Ershov devoted much time to editing Russian translations of fundamental monographs on economic forecasting and econometric modeling from abroad.

    From 1989 to 1993 Emil Ershov was the director of the Scientific Research Institute (NII) of the Russian State Statistics Service (Goscomstat). There he was engaged in the adaptation of Russian statistics for a market economy environment.

    From 1995 until his last days, Emil Ershov was a professor of mathematical economics and econometrics at HSE University. He was known as one of HSE’s most celebrated professors. He supervised dozens of M.Sc. and PhD theses and led a research seminar in the department.

    Professor Ershov greatly contributed to the administrative standing and development of HSE university. He actively worked within the research councils of the university and the Department of Economics, as well as of the editorial board of the HSE Economic Journal. Emil Ershov was an authority for both colleagues and students. He had not only an encyclopedic knowledge of economics, but was also actively engaged in all issues of HSE life and respected for his moral rectitude. When engaged in academic debate, he always demonstrated persistence and professionalism.

    Emil Ershov set very high academic standards first and foremost for himself. That is why, later in life, when he was already a recognized academic authority, he decided to enroll in a doctoral programme in 2011. His doctoral dissertation focused on index theory and provided a solution to the long-standing contradiction between the measurement results with differences in dynamics that affect the value of the index of factors.

    Emil Borisovich had numerous students, colleagues and friends - we will all remember him and mourn his loss. The bright memory of Emil Borisovich Ershov will forever remain in the hearts of all who knew him.