Irina Prusova
- Deputy Head, Associate Professor: Faculty of Social Sciences / School of Psychology
- Laboratory Head: Faculty of Social Sciences / School of Psychology / Laboratory for Psychology of Social Inequality
- Irina Prusova has been at HSE University since 2014.
Participation at the projects
Participation at the conferences
Collection and processing of quantitative and qualitative data
Publication of articles
Education and Degrees
HSE University
HSE University
HSE University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Awards and Accomplishments
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2020–2021)
Courses (2024/2025)
- Conflict Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Political Science; 3 year, 3 module)Rus
- Psychology of Social Influence (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Psychology of Social Influence (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Psychology of Social Influence (Mago-Lego; 3 module)Rus
- Psychology of social inequalities (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 3 year, 2 module)Rus
- Psychology of social inequalities (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 3 year, 2 module)Rus
- Social Psychology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 2 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Sports Psychology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Conflict Management (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Political Science; 3 year, 3 module)Rus
- Political Psychology and Political Decision-Making (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs field of study International Relations; 4 year, 1 module)Rus
- Psychology of social inequalities (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology, field of study Psychology; 3 year, 2 module)Rus
- Sports Psychology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Psychology of Communication (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 3 year, 2 module)Rus
- Psychology of Communication (Mago-Lego; 2 module)Rus
- Psychology of Communication (Master’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Advertising and Public Relations; 2 year, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Psychology of Aggression (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 3 year, 3 module)Rus
- Psychology of Communication (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 3 year, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- Psychology of Communication (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 3 year, 2 module)Rus
- Psychology of Mass Communication (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Creative Industries field of study Advertising and Public Relations; 2 year, 2 module)Rus
- Social Psychology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 2 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
- Theories and models of modern social psychology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Psychology; 3 year, 1 module)Rus
- 2023
Asian Social Psychology in the Face of Global Challenges: Achievements and Opportunities (Гонконг). Presentation: The Role of Threat and System Justification on Dehumanization and Discrimination of Social Groups
Asian Social Psychology in the Face of Global Challenges: Achievements and Opportunities (Гонконг). Presentation: The motivational foundations of populist attitudes
- 2022
Международная научная конференция «Ананьевские чтения — 2022. 60 лет социальной психологии в СПбГУ: от истоков — к новым достижениям и инновациям» (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Оправдание политической системы в России: роль мотивационных оснований
Международная юбилейная научная конференция «История, современность и перспективы развития психологии в системе Российской академии наук» (Москва). Presentation: Личностные и идеологические предиспозиции в оправдании системы
- 2021
32nd International Congress of Psychology (Прага). Presentation: The Role of System Justification in Attitudes Toward Gender Inequality
32nd International Congress of Psychology (Прага). Presentation: Political Attitudes in the Post-Soviet Countries
Virtual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (Montreal). Presentation: The effect of mortality salience on populist attitudes in Russia
25th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Presentation: System Justification and Intergroup Relations in the Post-Soviet context
- 2020
Virtual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) (Берлин). Presentation: The effect of mortality salience on attitudes toward war
- 2019
Ломоносов 2019 (Москва). Presentation: Влияние страха смерти на отношение к национальным аутгруппам
Annual Meeting of Society of Australian Social Psychologists (Сидней). Presentation: The effect of mortality salience on attitudes towards national outgroups
ISPP 2019 Annual scientific meeting (Lisbon). Presentation: The Effect of Mortality Salience on Political Attitudes in Russia
ISPP 2019 Annual scientific meeting (Lisbon). Presentation: The Effect of Mortality Salience on Attitudes Toward National Outgroups
- 2017
Альянс социальных наук (Москва). Presentation: Влияние военных новостей на отношение к национальным аутгруппам
- 2016
К альянсу социальных наук. Presentation: Влияние страха смерти на изменение политических ориентаций
- 2015
Ломоносов 2015 (Москва). Presentation: Влияние страха смерти и негативных эмоций на объем внимания
- 2014
Психология коммуникаций и доверия (Москва). Presentation: Экспериментальное исследование фундаментальной ошибки атрибуции
HSE Researchers Find Out How to Communicate Health Information More Effectively to Fight COVID-19
Focusing on mortality from the COVID-19 virus is no more effective than calls to wear masks and save lives, but it significantly increases people's anxiety. After conducting an experiment with over 15,000 respondents from 84 countries, an international group of researchers, including scientists from HSE, came to this conclusion. The results of the study have been published in the Affective Science journal.
Reminders of Death and Political Ideas about the Ideal State in the Countries of the Post-Soviet Space
On June 3 Irina Prusova (Research Fellow, Scientific and Educational Laboratory of Psychology of Social Inequality, HSE University) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Reminders of Death and Political Ideas about the Ideal State in the Countries of the Post-Soviet Space".