Ivan Mikirtumov
- Department Head, Professor: HSE Campus in St. Petersburg / School of Arts and Humanities / Department of Philosophy
- Ivan Mikirtumov has been at HSE University since 2022.
Head of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Humanities and Arts, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Head of the Laboratory of Critical Theory of Culture, Faculty of the St. Petersburg School of Humanities and Arts, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Thesis Title: Theory of meaning in general intensional logic: from the principle of compositionality to epistemic attitudes
St Petersburg State University
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Courses (2024/2025)
- Critical Thinking (Optional course (university); 1-4 module)Rus
- Inroduction to the Philosophy of Language (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod) field of study Mathematics, field of study Applied Mathematics and Information Science; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics, field of study Mathematics; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Chemistry; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Graduate School of Business; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology field of study Biology, field of study Biology; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Law; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Humanities field of study Philology, field of study Fundamental and Applied Linguistics, field of study History; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities; 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod); 3 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Geography and Geoinformation Technology; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy of Language in the Humanities: from the Theory of Meaning to the Theory of Discourse (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Political Theory (Minor; Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Argumentation Theory (Bachelor’s programme; School of Law; 1 year, 3 module)Rus
- Persuasion Practices and Collective Rationality (Mago-Lego; 4 module)Rus
- Persuasion Practices and Collective Rationality (Master’s programme; Institute of Asian and African Studies field of study Asian and African Studies, field of study Asian and African Studies, field of study Asian and African Studies; 1 year, 4 module)Rus
- Philosophy of Language in the Humanities: from the Theory of Meaning to the Theory of Discourse (Bachelor’s programme; School of Arts and Humanities; 4 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Philosophy of Science (Bachelor’s programme; St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science ; 4 year, 3 module)Rus
- Philosophy of Science (Minor; Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Political Theory (Minor; Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences; 3, 4 module)Rus
Editorial board membership
Grants from the Russian Science Foundation, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Foundation for the Humanities, etc. 1998–2024 — head in 16 projects, participant in 8 projects/
Projects 2020-2024.
1. St. Petersburg State University NM-2020, Organization and holding of the conference “Social semiotics: points of growth.” 2020. Head.
2. RFBR 18-011-00895, “Logical study of significative phenomena: semantics and pragmatics,” 2018-2020. Head.
3. St. Petersburg State University NM-2022, Organization and holding of the conference “Meaning and meaning formation”. 2022. Head..
4. Programm for Fundamental Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2023-2025, project No. 159 “Borders of modern culture: nature, technologies and social interfaces.” Head.
5. RSF 20-18-00158 “Formal philosophy of argumentation and a comprehensive methodology for searching and selecting solutions to disputes”, 2020-2022, 2023-2024 (extension). Participant.
6. RFBR 20-011-0048 “Deliberative argumentation between reasoning and action”, 2020-2022. Participant.
7. RSF 21-18-00496 "Semantic structure of propositional attitudes of consciousness", 2021-2023. Participant.
8. St. Petersburg State University commissioned by RANEPA “Development of the educational model of liberal arts and sciences in the conditions of digitalization", 2020. Participant.
9. St. Petersburg State University commissioned by RANEPA “Discourses of Interdisciplinarity: Issues of Interdisciplinary Interaction and Communication,” 2022. Participant.
10. HSE University, Center for Fundamental Research project "Boundaries of Modern Culture: Nature, Technology, and Social Interfaces", TT-159. 2023. Head.
11. HSE University, Center for Fundamental Research project "Nature in the Optics of Digital Culture: Paradoxes, Hybrids, Phantasms", TT-55. Head.
Employment history
Academic positions
1997–2009 — Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Logic at St. Petersburg State University.
2001–2008 — Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at St. Petersburg State University.
2009–2021 — Professor, Head of the Department of Logic at St. Petersburg State University.
2012–2018 — Head of the Master's Program "Logic, Argumentation, Communication" at the Faculty of Philosophy at St. Petersburg State University.
2011–2018 — Curator of the "Culture of Germany" Program and Cooperation with Heidelberg University at the Faculty of Philosophy at St. Petersburg State University.
2014–2018 — Head of the Master's Program "German Philosophy" at St. Petersburg State University.
2017–2023 — Lecturer at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences of the Saint Petersburg State University.
2014–2024 — Visiting Professor at the European University at Saint Petersburg.
Since 2023 — Head of the Laboratory of Critical Theory of Culture at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg
Since 2023 — Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of the Saint Petersburg School of Arts and Humanities at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Expert of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (2011-2016).
Expert of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2011-2020).
Expert of the Russian Scientific Foundation (2014 - present)
HSE University Opens the Laboratory of Critical Theory of Culture
The School of Arts and Humanities opened the Laboratory of Critical Theory of Culture. There, the researchers will engage in the development of new theory of culture in the fast-paced modern world. The head of the Laboratory was assigned to be Ivan Mikirtumov, Doctor of Philosophy and professor at HSE University-St Petersburg.
Formal Philosophy 2022
On 31 October – 3 November 2022 , the International Conference "Formal Philosophy – 2022" was held, organized by the HSE International Laboratory of Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy.