Ekaterina Solovova
- Editor: Online Media and Mobile Applications Office / Online Media Office / English Website Support Unit
- Ekaterina Solovova has been at HSE University since 2013.
- Translating, editing and publishing texts for the English version of the HSE website
- Publishing announcements for HSE main page
- Publishing news for HSE main page
- Creating and editing English webpages for HSE departments and personal pages for HSE staff
- Translating news texts for HSE departments and the main page
Moscow State Linguistic University
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience
2024 — AI Services for Solving Routine Tasks, CPD course by HSE University
2024 — Python for Automation and Data Analysis, CPD course by HSE University
IQ.HSE English-language Website and HSE’s 2052: See the Future Documentary Win Science Journalism Award
On October 26, Zaryadye Concert Hall hosted an award ceremony to honour the winners of the 9th all-Russia prize 'For Loyalty to Science' awarded by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for achievements in the fields of science journalism, education, and science communication. This year, two of HSE's projects were awarded.
How Do You Say That in English?
HSE University’s English website: Reaching an international audience
Mexican Day of the Dead at HSE
On November 9, 2016 HSE held a Mexican Day of the Dead Celebration. The event was organized by the Mexican community at HSE and the International Student Support Unit with the support of the Embassy of Mexico in Russia.
University Is a Positive Social Laboratory of Change
Global education gives students a new perspective on the world, and teaches them to value differences of opinion, external expert with Project 5-100 Francisco Marmolejo believes. In interview with HSE News, he talked about the different criteria international students use to select which university to study at, why universities should not be entirely focused on ratings, and whether education can change the environment in global politics.
Korean Students in Moscow: Understanding Modern Russia
From July 4 to 25, the HSE Summer University welcomed thirty Korean students from the Seoul National University who had come to study Russian and learn more about modern life in Russia as part of SNU’s programme in Moscow.
Communication Competence Is a Must Today
This semester Olga Matyash, Adjunct Professor at Ivy Tech State College (Indiana, USA), has been a visiting scholar at HSE, teaching courses on interpersonal communication and public speaking at the HSESchool of Integrated Communications (Faculty of Communications, Media and Design). Professor Matyash agreed to speak with the HSE news service to share the secrets of successful public speaking and shed light on the role of communication studies in our life.
International Scholars Reflect on HSE Political Science Conference
The 4th Annual Conference of the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (ICSID) ‘Institutions, Elites and Collective Action in the Developing World’ took place at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow on June 30- July 1, 2015. It was preceded by an EACES-HSE Workshop ‘Political Economy of Development: New Challenges and Perspectives’ on June 29, 2015. Several international researchers have spoken to HSE News Service about the conference and their research projects.
Shimada Nobuo on Japanese Swords and the Japanese Soul
On the 15th May, 2015 Shimada Nobuo gave a lecture at HSE on Japanese Military Culture. Shimada Nobuo brought some swords from his own workshop and allowed his audience to hold them while he talked about the enduring Japanese interest in weapons of war and the Japanese soul. Owner of the Yamashiroya gallery and specialist on ancient artefacts, Mr Nobuo advises the Japanese ministry of culture and works with the Hermitage and other museums in St Petersburg and around the world helping them with their Japanese collections. He gave his talk in Japanese with Russian translation. He gave this interview to the HSE News Service.
Professor Arie Lewin: ‘I’m Looking forward to Being Surprised!’
Arie Y. Lewin, is Professor of Strategy and International Business at Duke University Fuqua School of Business and for the past 18 years has been the Director of The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER). He gave an honorary lecture on ‘Dynamics of Online Marketplaces for STEM Talent: Innovation 2.0’ on the third day of the April Conference and spoke to HSE News service about his impressions of the conference, emerging economies marketing trends and other perspectives.
'The Conference Is a Great Place for Meeting People and Exchanging Ideas'
As HSE’s XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development draws to a close on April 10, international participants comment on their experience and share their impressions.
Do All Crumbling Empires Behave the Same?
In his honorary lecture 'Twilight of an Empire', at the HSE April International Conference, Professor Guillermo Owen, Distinguished Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, considers the case of the late Roman Empire - a once-powerful incumbent state which is beginning to lose its power - and compares it with examples nearer our own time. Professor Owen is a member of the Colombian Academy of Sciences, The Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of Barcelona, and the Academy of Sciences of the Developing World. He is associate editor of the International Game Theory Review. In an interview with the HSE English News service Professor Owen made comparisons in a game theory approach to the behaviour of the late Roman Empire and the Soviet Empire of the 1980s and 1990s.
'It’s a Great Opportunity to Present Work and to Get Feedback'
The second day of the April International Academic Conference was devoted to sections on various topical economic, political and sociological issues. Questions related to international trade, economic growth, poverty and prosperity, urban economics, social capital and mobility, political regimes were discussed. The international participants of the conference have shared their impressions with HSE News Service.
Social Movements Now and Then: How People Make History
Sociologists have developed a variety of theories and empirical research on social movements that are closely connected with democracy. Why do people join and stay in social movements? What happens to them when participants achieve their goals? Benjamin Lind, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and author of the course 'History of Social Movements', explained what makes the subject relevant nowadays and shared his own experience with social movements in an interview for the HSE news service.
Good Democracy Requires Good Citizens
On April 23, 2014, Professor Dennis Mueller (University of Vienna, Austria) spoke at the HSE on 'Democracy and Citizenship'. He agreed to speak with the HSE news service to share his views on successful democracy and his impressions of the HSE as an institute.
Double Degree Programme in Political Analysis and Public Policy: The Long Road to Success
The HSE Public Policy Department and the University of Bologna are launching a double degree master’s programme in Political Analysis and Public Policy. Nina Belyaeva, Head of the HSE Department of Public Policy gave an interview to the HSE news service about future challenges and her hopes and expectations for the programme.
Presentation of 'Planet Ponzi': Numbers Never Lie, People Do
On April 15, 2014, Mitch Feierstein, a British-American investor, banker, analyst, and columnist for The Independent and Huffington Post, presented the Russian edition of his book Planet Ponzi: How Politicians and Bankers Stole Your Future. What Happens Next. How You Can Survive, at the HSE Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs.
A Sociological Approach to Understanding Corruption
Corruption is a burning issue in Russia that won’t go away. What is the general attitude to corruption in Russia and other countries, and why does it draw so much public attention? How should we study this phenomenon? Lili Di Puppo, Associate Professor at the HSE Faculty of Sociology, author of the course ‘The Sociology of Corruption’ talked to the HSE news service, to help shed some light on the matter.
The Five 'C's: Essential Elements for Building Foresight
Attila Havas, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, shared his views with the HSE news service on the development of foresight practices in Russia and around the world, and talked about his impressions of the April Conference.
First-time April Conference Participants Share First Impressions
On the second day of the XV HSE April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development several conference participants and guests told us about their research and shared their impressions of the event in short interviews for the HSE News Service.
Communication in a Globalized World: New Approaches to Theory and Practice
The HSE Faculty of Media Communications is offering a new course for spring 2014 — Communication in a Globalized World. The course’s creator, HSE Associate Professor Olga Baysha, agreed to give an interview to the HSE news service, and to explain why cultural differences matter in global communication.
Winter School ‘The European Convention on Human Rights: The Principle of Non-discrimination’
On January 13-17, 2014, the International Winter School will take place at the School of Political Science - Forlí, University of Bologna. Nina Belyaeva, Head of the Public Policy Department, school lector and co-organiser, agreed to give an interview to the HSE News Service to tell us more about the upcoming event.
Transmedia Storytelling: A Future Scenario for Media Development
Transmedia storytelling is one of the latest phenomena in the media world. Dr. Renira Rampazzo Gambarato, Assistant Professor at the HSE Faculty of Media Communications, agreed to give an interview to the HSE News Service, to shed some light on the subject.