Scientific Interests: «social psychology»Units
Senior Research Fellow, Director:
Institute of Education
Centre for Modern Childhood Research
Associate Professor:
Institute of Education
Department of Educational Programmes
Leading Research Fellow:
Centre for Sociocultural Research
Associate Professor:
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Junior Research Fellow:
Centre for Sociocultural Research
Visiting Lecturer:
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Associate Professor:
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Deputy Head:
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Laboratory for the Psychology of Salutogenic Environment
Postgraduate Student, Lecturer:
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Junior Research Fellow:
Centre for Sociocultural Research
Deputy Head, Associate Professor:
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Laboratory Head:
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Laboratory for Psychology of Social Inequality
+7 (926) 262-17-54
Research Intern:
Centre for Sociocultural Research
Senior Lecturer:
Faculty of Social Sciences
School of Psychology