HSE Campus in St. Petersburg → Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences → Institute of Health Psychology
Affective Psychophysiology LaboratoryHSE Campus in St. Petersburg
Center for Market Studies and Spatial EconomicsHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences
Centre for Youth StudiesHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → St Petersburg School of Economics and Management
International Centre for Health Economics, Management, and PolicyFaculty of Economic Sciences
Laboratory for Banking StudiesFaculty of Economic Sciences
Laboratory for Geometric Algebra and ApplicationsHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences
Laboratory for Management in Culture and TourismHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences
Laboratory for Urban StudiesHSE Campus in St. Petersburg → School of Arts and Humanities → Centre for Historical Research
Laboratory for Visual HistoryInstitute for Industrial and Market Studies
Laboratory of Empirical Analysis of the Enterprises and Markets in Transition EconomiesFaculty of Humanities → School of Philological Studies
Laboratory of Linguo-Semiotic StudiesHSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod → Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod)
Laboratory of Topological Methods in Dynamics